heh, never really thought that it would happen INSIDE the mall. but yeah, that is pretty darn dangerous. not sure if this is true, but i heard from my friend that the black guy was arguing with the Asian dude cuz he wanted a refund on his phone, the guy refused and he shot him.
the black guy works for the store or what?? and they say, canada is the friendliest people for visitors .. not safe though .. lol
what the fuck? shit.. and i was planning on going there that day to get myself a bowl of hand made noodles... i went dt instead lol
You should know that PMall was always a shady place. This is not the first time someone died there. Doesn't stop me from going though..
wonder was provoke the guy obvious he was there to kill went in shot the guy in the head.. if it was over a phone or a purchase that's quite sad. there was also a murder at the top floor in the karaoke place there i think it was last summer.
Yah, At MHQ Karaoke upstairs, there was a Canada wide search for that guy. Don't know if they ended up catching that guy or not. Killing because they wouldn't refund is stupid. Practically every store in P Mall has a "No Return/ Exchange" sign in the front counter in bid bold letters.
^ actually the one at MHQ it wasn't a refund...thers a story behind it..and it was a group of people....are we tlking about the guy who got hit in the head and robbed with his friend in MHQ room?
ralliart was refering to the recent incident of maybe a refund issue. but yea kdotc... that sounds like the K incident that i was thinking about.
toronto was a nice and friendly and probably safe place the last time i visited but judging from the recent articles from the area kinda change that .. has it changed that much in the course of two years?