Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Maverick, Sep 4, 2007.
Guess that most of the mantis will -surr-surr-surr [youtube]7PhE6mL7r5w[/youtube]
YUCKY. thats some fear factor material right there
ok...i wonder what she do that for? =/?
Ugh! -sick2 And she probably won't get a big sum of money like in Fear Factor. -ohmy
crazy biatch.........that is disgusting..........
Not the praying mantis!!! She should have eaten a cockroach!
she's eating a mantis so that 2 guys would have to go to church/?? did I hear that correctly??
damn.. yuck.. poor bugs xD
i was just about to say that. shes auditioning for a part on fear factor
Sicko girl. x.x
i find her pretty attractive hahaha
Mantis doesnt look real.