Marco Polo Series (2014) on Netflix

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by EvilTofu, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

  2. hkop

    hkop Well-Known Member

    looks good downloading now :0
  3. hkop

    hkop Well-Known Member

    garbage saw episode 1 skipped to the Asian sex scenes lmao to much talking
  4. Hartia

    Hartia Well-Known Member

    They said it's no GoT, waste of money, but good historical references
    or something
  5. ironic i have the first ep loaded on netflix right now as i just randomly come across this thread lol
  6. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    As a long time enthusiast of Chinese history, I'm excited and loving this adaptation in real spoken English (Hal... lelujah!), making it much more US or ABC viewer friendly without having to look at subtitles. This is culturally important as it puts Asians on an equal footing with western stars. Previous Asian roles (Khan, Charlie Chan, Fu Manchu, whatever...) were played by white actors who had their eyes pinched back; so yes, we've come a long way but I'm sure Hollywood is viewing this closely to see how Asian talent fare. The fact that all the Asians in this speak perfect British or American English is a surprise. Even well accepted Chinese actor Jackie Chan, speaks like an immigrant. Except for a few, the people in this sound like they're either ABCs or BBCs that went to Harvard or Oxford. In the long run, I think it would influence how western media sees Asians in general and it's going to bring more work to that community; I'm almost certain of it. Additionally, this is going to have serious viewing legs in the Far East market and once dubbed into either Chinese, Korean, or Japanese, it would keep folks glued to their sets because of the racial affinity and the fact that it's a competent western production.

    The production values are satisfyingly high (though nowhere near anything like the ridiculousness of Thrones; it's easy to get spoiled, eh?) Also, cinematography seems competent from the limited viewing that I've done so far; I have all ten eps but I'm still trying to get cleaner, moderate sized copies. Many of the files that claim to be one type are something else (eg wrongly labeled as *.mp4 but really *.flv or *.mkv). All told, a very nice addition to video library.

    Be forewarned, there's a LOT of FULL FRONTAL tits and ass in this so it is NSFW nor should the little kiddies be around when you watch this.
    #6 ralphrepo, Dec 15, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2014
  7. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    Ill be just like one of those... skip everything (especially the talking), and then straight to the tits and asses.
  8. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    LOL... But the talking is where the story is. However, T&A is nice and is always a crowd pleaser.

    Also, to be honest, it's really unfair to compare this to Game of Thrones because we already got to know GOT x 40 episodes. IMHO, if one were to stack up GOT season 1 (ie first 10 episodes only) versus Marco Polo for its 10 episodes, then I would say it's a pretty even contest. The amount of intrigue and treachery in this would certainly give GOT a run for its money. The end of ep 05 is awesome in terms of "oh, shit... I can't believe he did that..." factor.