I personally think Matrix is the greatest movie of all Time. Its just because of all the religious and philosophical allusions in the movie that really makes it impressive... Teh 2 brothers that made this movie definately had everything veryyy carefully planned out, or its just sheer coincedence and over analysis from MAtrix Fans. remember in Matrix 3 when Neo dies to basically save the human race? When the Machines carried out his body.. he was lying in the form of a cross with the spikes of the machines punched thru his hands like when Jesus was crusafied. Weird eh?
i have no greatest movie of all time, there are movies i can watch over and over the same as other movies i like. i'd personally say i loved Schindlers list, saw that movie 6 times and its 3+ hrs long.
I think best movie of all time was Pirates of the Carribean...oh and both Resident evil movies were good too
the matrix!!!!!!..my fav movie of all time. As you mentioned the cross, it actually had quite a few christian undertones....among other interesting ideas.....must say....wicked movie....
I think there was a buzz regarding the Matrix, mostly because of the new visual effects. When I watch a movie, I don't pay attention to all the details that for example you talked about, so I can't say that the Matrix was the best movie of all time. Keanu Reeves didn't help at all.
matrix its not a greatest movie of all time, its alright only, chinese films got more special effects and more look more real, but matrix is alright thanks
to me matrix is not about graphics.. its more of plot /story line that made it great for me...but of course the CGi didnt hurt but i enjoyed Lord of the rings series more than matrix...dunno why...i just do. maybe cos i caught every single LOTR in theaters..
haha same here i luved the LOTR series, more as well matrix was ok but i found it confusing at places but the cgi was rly kool, most probably the cgi that made me wantin to c the matrix mov -sweat
Yeah LOTR had a real plot and some good dialogue while you're right the Matrix was all about the CGI. Too bad it was that long.
i didnt even watch the 2nd and thrid matrix!haha!i dont think matrix is d greatest movie tho!ive seen better movies!