eww... wouldn't mcdonalds get fined aswell for bein unhygenic? :S doesn't say if they maintained proper hygiene in the restaurant or not.. but i'd assume they didn't if a rat was in the restaurant... or mayb it came in off the street?
My gosh, lucky i don't go mc donalds anymore. I plan to never visit them again. after hearing about this news.
Hopefully Chinese government will toughen up on those hygiene policies and create new ones for the public health safety.
Mmm rat bite. Nice if that were to happen in the states, that person would probably get a lot more!!! Probably a lot a lot more.
yikes...hope the rat doesn't carry any disease...that rat sure is hungry...should have just climbed up the table and eat the fries lol...
Are you talking about bribing!!! -nono Shame on u... is that how u bribed ur way to being a Mod? -shock