Can anyone please help me in download problems with Every time, after i wait for the 45 seconds and click on the download link, it always go to another page and tell me to wait x minutes before trying to download again??? Anything to tackle with this problem/limit? Thanks!
You need to either change your IP address or use a proxy to hide your IP address. This tricks the server into thinking that you are someone else and allow you to download another 250 MB. This thread outlines it. In short: Try using this: Check remove cookies Uncheck remove scripts.
Disconnect from the net, then reconnect by using your modem (if you have broadband) - push on the power on/power off switch. I've already downloaded hundred of GB og music/video by using this method. It tooks me 5 secs because I'm using a page to reset the IP for my modem (2 clicks and here we go!)
For certain users, the ip address is fixed, even with a broadband modem. I'm looking for a solution for this "problem" as well, and will post it once I said EUREKA.
^ yep for many people they dont have dynamics IPs like me, so it wont always work, just by turning off the modem The thing said by liquidzyklon works for rapidshare, cant remember if it works for mega
Unplug your modem and reboot then leave it off for a night. Or go to Start > Run > cmd> ipconfig /release > ipconfig /renew.
Been looking around some more and came by sme links. I don't have time to check them right now, but judging from it, it just sounds feasable. As soon as I have something to download, and my limit is reached, I will give it a try.
Unless you are trying to download a lot in a day, just create a free account and I think you can download up to 1G per day
Come on ppl. The price for megaupload is that bad. The service that they provide is well worth that money.
^sounds like a sponsor.. but then he does have a point if there is a movie or a list of things u really want the 24 hr. for a few bucks dont sound too bad