during certain times of the day megaupload has a happy hour where u can get temporary premium status!! sipposedly works between the hours of 9pm-5am (GMT -5hr) http://www.megaupload.com/premium/?happyhour not sure if u need to have the megaupload toolbar installed or not... (i've got it installed) doesn't work with me because of my country. .=( but others may be able to take advantage of this and an extend download quota. lets u extend ur quota when it says u've gone over... dones't work with me again because of my country :( http://www.megaupload.com/premium/?extend
yeh its saying i dont have toolbar installed, and since i dont want the toolbar i wont be takin advantage of this, thx anyways
Happy Hour Premium activated! You will enjoy premium benefits for the next 271 minutes. happy hour is very real lol :x-pirate and yes it does require the toolbar + dl manager, it is quiet fast & safe, highly reccomended =)
Its no point really... I can just buy a premium account and share it with some friends. It costs not much money either...
why would anyone want to install a spyware to download from megaupload when there is a trick to bypass the country upload? u can read up more on alexa spyware here Code: http://www.f-secure.com/sw-desc/alexa.shtml