I dont mean to offend any female members here, if i have sorry in advance and this is only for a laugh if u feel uncomfortable reading this STEER AWAY right now !!! This is just something i came across that i found quite funny and somewhat true -lol .... ...... ........ .......... ............ ............... .................. ...................... .......................... ................................ ..................................... ........................................ ........................................... ................................................ ...................................................... ............................................................ ................................................................... ............................................................................ ..................................................................................... ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................... From: http://funny2.com/mensrules.htm
haha, that sounds funny... i agree with you MOST of the things but gosh, i dont get it why does "asking directions" to a guy so offensive???????
hahahaha this is funny and so very true however its in a girl nature to do these things we just can't help it lol
One word: EGO And I have to say that I always find myself somewhat amused when generalized lists such as these come out. It's obvious that whoever created this list has had some pretty bad experiences (or rather lack of experience) with women or with one woman in particular... but since this thread was meant to be a joke, here's something for the men:
^ where the exam? most of them is tru..i do rememeebr dates..the important ones..and i have more than 3 pair of shoes..and i hate beer
LoL!! I'm too lazy la...and I hate readin!! I dun read unless I have to, or if its short But I think that its pretty funny ^^
damn straight..finally one for the guys here..right on dragon!..and cmon...peachy had to make an appearance...
haha...i agree with most of it...but.... i have more than 3 pairs of shoes....and i really dont mind a girl having long hair as long as it suits her....