Metal Gear Solid 4...afterthoughts (contains Major Spoilers!!!)

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by [N], Jun 15, 2008.

  1. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]


    Post what you think of this game as a whole, what you think of the conclusion/ some of the plots.

    The ending was really confusing as hell to me the first time i saw it because soo many things were being revealed and i was like holy shit at the same time. kinda lucky i had another explanation from teh strategy guide though, but seriously was kinda confusing. Anyways i didn't really like the love stories though, the naomi and otacon was kinda weird and i can't really feel the chemistry, it just happened out of nowhere lol. but the meryl and akiba, i was like WTF. it was funny but really weird. and it's sad for snake, although i understand that the relationship would'nt last at all, it was a sad story. and damn EVA died so quick, it's pretty damn sad that all of the characters in mgs3 met a fate like "the boss," really tragic. I'm glad snake didn't commit suicide though, when the first credit rolls i kinda felt that the ending was ok and i was really left with some dissatisfaction but the proper one it actually pretty damn good. all said sucks this game is over. but it had plenty of moments that hit u hard so i definitely wasn't disappointed.
    #1 [N], Jun 15, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2008
  2. DaoMilk

    DaoMilk Active Member

  3. ^ Ban...

    damn Nas.. you finish the game already!?!!! hook that shit up PSN sucka!
  4. shw

    shw Well-Known Member

    goddamn fapkid you nas. i didnt even have time to play out act 2. this is sketching nas; you even have less social life than me!!!!!
  5. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^it's not a long game....3 "PA days" and you could beat it, probably 2... but i couldn't stop playing lol, got through the second act on the first day haha. some people beat it on the first day yo... i probably beat it in 2 days though, cause i stopped for one day. but still it's all over damn. happy and sad no doubt.

    @ecko .... lol tried metal gear online, it was definitely a weird interface wasn't as slick. also stealth is definitely essential, also voice chat. but damn i definitely didn't master stealth fact i barely stealth. and also you need a konami id and a game id wtf....why can't we just use our psn id....a hassle indeed. also you gotta pay for all the extras, sucks.

    now lets move back to gta IV (still havent beat lol) or replay mgs and try to get assassin creed uniform haha...or the BIG BOSS MEDAL...

    and one thing i gotta tell u guys to do...during the screaming mantis battle definitely use the tactic that you used to defeat psycho mantis in mgs 1......not gonna tell you the outcome but use it!!!!!

    Still a question after the the hell did ocelot and big boss die by inhaling the fox die virus from snake and that otacon was always with snake but nothing happen to him. don't really get it.
    #5 [N], Jun 15, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2008
  6. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    hows the graphics on the ps3 for this? and is this game as gd as mgs3 and mgs2?
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^graphics on 720p = unreal...all i can say is, someone saw me play and thought the cutscenes were cg haha..

    and this game > mgs 2....kinda an equal to mgs3...cause big boss in mgs 3 was the shit. but if you haven't played the first game ten years back or so, the experience of mgs 4 won't have full effect all i gotta say. soo many references to mgs1 as that was like the true solid snake story this game is trying to conclude. mgs 2 was more of a filler, mgs 3's story is also very important though. but damn i dunno how many times i've said this but i don't care.....i was shocked, surprised, happy, sad, nostalgic, everything......the story had that much impact damn.... once you play this you can't play anything else until you finish it...if it was a movie it would've been winning like 10 oscars.

    anyways so bbes...have you played any of the previous ones... cause if you haven't go buy the essential pack and replay haha...then get ps3 and mgs 4. can't say if it was worth the 60 but i'm not regretting at all.
  8. Yea I figured it wasn't gonna be long of a game.. considering its more on cutscenes..

    but damnn.. the graphics is crazy as hell.. weapon customization.. and the fukin' TANEGASHIMA!! HOT DAMNN!!

    this is def. one MGS game where I want to play it over n over to collect everything.. then go and wreck havoc.. lol

    plus there's probably gonna be a bunch of downloadable content for added replay value. One the new firmware drops, we'll probably be able to listen to own music on the ipod. I thought it was hella slick how they added that to the game..
  9. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^ u beat it too man? lol but that fucking gun lol, goddamn expensive... i'm poor...just stuck with my customized m4 and head shot those mofos....but yea worth it to play it again as i haven't even touched the CQC or use the MK II/ III ...andi don't think ps3 have customized music so is it confirmed that it will through a firmware update or what cause racing games are useless without customized soundtracks lol. i hate that generic instrumental shit they usually have. and i really wrecked havoc, being the peacekeeper and silence cat is what i'm not haha...
  10. Jay22098

    Jay22098 Well-Known Member

    i beat it like an hour ago. took me 4 days cos i had to work on friday and saturday. the story was good, graphics even better and the amount of hidden stuff u find are amazing. i like the tv channels at the start, and its cool to go back to shadow moses and find everything is exactly the same. i think like 70% of the game are the movie sequences, if u knew what you was doing and skip all the movies i think u can complete it in like 3 hours. the music is good, like the ipod but it stops u from equipting rations whilst u listen. theres like hundreds of weapons and items to choose from. i personally think that the next mgs (if they do make one) will star raidens son and sunny. gona complete it again 2moro on easy to try get bandana and stealth suit,

    overall i give it 9 out of 10. best game on ps3 so far. especially the graphics. hopefully final fantasy 13 can top these graphics but it'll be hard.

    ps. i had to check the net on how to kill vamp, it was near impossible to figure it out yourself...
  11. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lol i figured it out from a sentence about him in the character bio "snake suppresses vamps nano tech with allows raiden to kill him at shadow moses...that pretty much spoiled two major plot points for me. should've never read the bio, that fight would've been more frustrating, yet more memorable lols.and it kinda spoiled the return to shadow moses for me, but whatever it was still a chilling experience during the return.
  12. Jay22098

    Jay22098 Well-Known Member

    does anyone know how to get the digital camera? i tried looking on the net and all i get is:

    In the Nomad vehicle during the mission intermission; you can unlock a special photo by picking up this item in stage 4 instead of earlier.

    its the same on every site, i think they just copy and paste the same shit over and over with very little effort on changing the wording.

    i tried goin around with the mkii during the intermission for act 4 but cant find anything.!
  13. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^i think your supposed to go upstairs or something with the mk ii, well just go around all the places during the mission briefing. i didn't get it my first time through so not sure.
  14. XDTP

    XDTP Well-Known Member

    This game is EPIC. I beat it 3 times already and I still love it. Ocelot is one of the best characters in this friggin series! Raiden was awesome as well. Snake = EPIC. Drebin was cool. I feel bad for usual.
  15. oh yea.. and the colonel.. omfg.. I wanna kill that guy!! hella shady.. damn that old man..

    shit.. I need more time with.. only at the first boss fight.

    I'm gonna try to collect all the ipod songs.. that one japanese anime like song is hella fun to listen to.. xD

    As for customize music.. firmware 2.40 will tell us soon enough..
  16. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^haha man why you in here for the only at the first boss lols.

    get that music...

    snake is pimp....once he's done, he shoves them to tha floor what!

    but otacon had one night with naomi!!!! motherfucking naomi!!!! anyways yes ocelot is my favorite character, he runs the show. raiden redeemed himself in mgs4 like how he saved snake and owned the gekkos with a breeze lol. but drebin i find him pretty boring when he tells me the backstory for the beauty and the beast unit, i rather someone else tells their tales lol. but yea still best character would have to be Snake, no one can outshine him. him and ocelot are basically equals.
    #16 [N], Jun 18, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2008
  17. lol damn you!! stop posting the huge spoilers!!
  18. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

  19. Jay22098

    Jay22098 Well-Known Member

    found the camera. its behind sunnys computer during second mission briefing. im trying to get the solar gun rite now and the bandana. saving up for stealth pack too.

    completed the game 3 times too. i wana get big boss disguise but i dun think i will be able to get the big boss emblem:

    - complete game in big boss extreme difficulty setting
    - don't kill enemies
    - don't get spotted
    - use no rations or health items
    - use no stealth or bandana
    - do it all within 5.5 hours.

    das impossible!
  20. I think you're better off beating the game with no alerts to get stealth camo. other wise its like 5 mil?

    daammnn I haven't had time to play!! >_<