Michelle Reis Secretly Married Hui Jun Hung?

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Maverick, Jun 23, 2007.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Michelle Reis Secretly Married Hui Jun Hung?

    Caption: The latest rumors say that Michelle Reis Lee Ka Yan and Hui Jun Hung got married in the USA.
    Allegedly, Michelle Lee Ka Yan and her wealthy boyfriend, Hui Jun Hung, got married while on vacation in the USA. However, since the couple is still overseas, they could not be reached for comment.

    Michelle's mother was spotted walking her dog at 4 PM. She was shopping at a pet store in Happy Valley and happily greeted reporters.
    Did Michelle already return to Hong Kong? Michelle's mother shook her head.

    Did Michelle and Hui Jun Hung already get married? Michelle's mother refused to answer and took her dog to leave. However the chauffer was away buying a hamburger for lunch, thus making Mrs. Reis wait impatiently.

    Source: Orientaldaily
  2. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    This is bad news for bachelors ...
  3. philostrate

    philostrate Well-Known Member

    she still hasn't gt married? i thought there were already news on her marriage quite some time ago?
  4. chabunky2000

    chabunky2000 Well-Known Member

    I don't give a damn about Michelle. In fact, I think all she loves is green.$$$$$
  5. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    michelle is seriously hot and she is seriously a GOLD DIGGER lol, lucky bastard though
  6. kakenx

    kakenx Well-Known Member

    yep! agreee she's hot but dunno about the gold digger part.. well if she is then lucky her for finding a gold mine haha!