Michelle Yim and Wan Chi Keung : no wedding plan yet

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by candy10013, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. candy10013

    candy10013 Well-Known Member


    Michelle Yim was holding back hers tears when receiveing her "Best Actress Award" at the 41 TVB Anniversary Award Presentation on saturday. In her speech, she thanked her family and friends and in particular the support from her boyfriend Wan Chi Keung (Wan Lo). After the ceremony, she went straight to Shatin Prince of Wales Hospital to tell him the good news at 2am. Michelle and Wan Lo have been together for 24 years. Everbody has been waiting to hear their wedding bell. But there was no report about them getting married yet.

    "Moonlight Resonace" has scooped 6 awards in all. When "Queen" Michelle left TVB city, the paparazi were behind her in 8 cars. Michelle picked up a few fans who had arrived from the mainland in her car. They had a champaign celebration in a cafe restaurant in Cheung Kwan O. She stayed there for about an hour receiving all the best wishes from all the restaurant customers. Michelle was so generous she even paid for all the reporters bills there. Asked if she had told Wan Lo about her award, Michelle said he has been watching the TV all along.

    It was about 2 am when Michelle arrived at Shatin's Prince of Wales Hospital. She bought some food in the hospital for the staffs there. Reporter asked if she had brought her winning trophy along to show him? Michelle said the trophy is in the company. Even though she had brought it in she could only show the hospital staffs because she was not sure if Wan Lo had gone to asleep or not. Michelle stayed there for about 45 minutes, she appeared very happy when she left the hospital. "Wan Lo is sleeping now, he and the hospital staffs had congratulated me for winning the award. We just had a chat and I don't want to talk too long because he needs to rest." Michelle was asked if they were discussing about their wedding plan and whether Wan Lo had proposed to her? Michelle laughed " Not quite yet, not in so much details either. We were just chatting." Michelle said Wan Lo was looking good. She went back to her apartment after visiting him.
