Michelle Yip Suen thinks that she’s too bold; doesn’t fit to marry into a rich and powerful family

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Maverick, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Michelle Yip Suen thinks that she’s too bold; doesn’t fit to marry into a rich and powerful family

    Michelle Yip went to school alone in America when she was only 13. Despite her independent looks, she actually wants to have her father’s attention. People all think that she is flirtatious and outgoing, but what she loves most is reading or Historical Events Retold as a Mirror for Government (first chronological general history of China written by Si Ma Guang) peacefully at home. Michelle also revealed that she thinks she’s too bold and strong, so she cannot marry into a rich and powerful family: “I don’t want to live a life that I don’t like for the sake of riches.”

    She has acted as a chaste lady, but she also has acted as a prostitute. She was once praised as the Hong Kong’s new beauty, but there were also some negative news about her on the newspaper and magazines. Michelle Yip Suen is a riddle in many people’eyes. From all of these faces, which one is the true her?

    In a certain free afternoon, Michelle Yip was specially interviewed by the reporter. She spoke about her past interestingly: She went to school alone in America when she was 13, despite her independent looks, what she actually wants is her father’s attention; she was crowned as Miss Chinese International when she was 19, but her dream was actually being a lawyer; she gave up her glorious “popular hua dan (fa dan)” identity in TVB to pursue her career in the unfamiliar film industry, she looks seasoned, but she herself knows that all of those are only pretending; people all think that she is flirtatious and outgoing, but what she loves most it reading peacefully at home….Actually, the 29-year-old Michelle Yip is a small kid who is pretending to be an adult, because recently she loves to watch .

    Working at the age of 13, being a good student to get father’s attention
    Michelle had an unusual childhood. Her parents divorced when she was 9. She grew up with her father, but her father was busy working so they only met each other once a month. When she was 13, she went to school alone in America, and she even was a “child labor.” Reminiscing the past, Michelle said, I gain more than I lose.

    Reporter ®: I know that you went to school alone in America when you were 13…

    Michelle Yip (MY): Yes, I lived by myself, and I even worked at that time. This makes me a bit mature compared with my peers.

    R: Isn’t it illegal to work when you were 13 in America?

    MY: Yes, it is. I accepted an offer from a tape rental store. The lady boss was from China, she asked me: “Are you already 16?” I lied to her, “I’m a bit more than 15.” I pretended to look experienced. I still remember that when I started to work my salary was USD$2.25 per hour, but after one or two weeks, the lady boss gave me a raise to USD$2.75 per hour. At that time, I took many series and film tapes home to watch, I guess this influenced me to work in the entertainment world.

    R: You majored in political science in America, but how come you could join Miss Chinese International?

    MY: I studied political science because I was following the trend, as at that time, many people were studying this. Actually, I quite like it, because since I was young I like to study history. Joining the pageant was kind of accidental. It was winter holiday, and I went to a bridal gown rental shop to find some head ornaments for my school’s dancing team. The lady boss there knew that I could dance, so she told me to join the pageant. Quite surprisingly, I won the first place.

    R: What do most of your classmates do for a living?

    MY: Most of them are lawyers. That was my dream too in the first place. I was quite good in school back then, I was even given a scholarship. Maybe because at that time I think that it was the only thing that could get my father’s attention.

    R: You never really spent time with your father?

    MY: Yes, we only met once in a month. He gave USD$500 for a month’s expense, and when I scored the highest in a test in my class, he would give $200 more. I worked very hard to score the highest at the high school graduation, because I was hoping that he would come to my graduation ceremony. But he didn’t.

    R: What impact does your growing environment give you?

    MY: The impact is big, there are positive and negative ones, but the former surpasses the latter. I became independent, it made my ability to observe people and things around me stronger than my peers, because no one told me how to do things. The negative impact would be I don’t really know how to communicate with others, especially with strangers. At many times I might be too honest, like when I like or dislike someone, I will show it obviously, as I won’t beat around the bush. But everything always has two different sides, honesty sometimes can make some people feel uncomfortable, but other people think that I’m sincere. I’ve been learning to care more about others’ feelings now, though.

    Acted in Central Affairs, then was tied up with negative news, making her perplexed
    Because she was famous after winning the Miss Chinese International at the age of 19, she joined TVB. Her looks were innocent and attractive, thus making her easily welcomed by the audience. She acted in many series, but when her career was at its peak, she left for working in the film industry. Many people didn’t understand her choice, but Michelle answered it in simple way: Who doesn’t want to star in the big screen?

    R: Back then when you’re still with TVB, you had a nickname, Little Jessica Hsuan. I heard that you have a quite good rapport with her?

    MY: I’m quite happy with this nickname. This proves that my looks are not bad. Jessica and I are good sisters.

    R: You’ve built a good beautiful image, but why did you act as an evil lady in ?

    MY: That was my first piece of work with Media Asia. The company projected me from “xiao hua dan” to “da qing yi”, so I had to break my old image. I also thought that I can’t always act as a youthful innocent girl, as I’ll have to go this way, sooner or later.

    R: But after you acted the role, there were more and more negative news about you out there…

    MY: Yes, you’re right. But that series actually is not that unusual, because after that many Hong Kong series were also like that, having the good and the evil. But at that time, series like Central Affairs were not that many. I was quite perplexed by the distortion of the facts that the public had. Fortunately, I had a very good management team, as they always protected me. They even didn’t let me read many things reported by the paparazzi. I also was telling myself that the image given by a certain role would pass away, the most important thing is I can’t stop trying things, I can’t give myself up. Actually right now, I’m quite grateful to that role, because it helped me discover my adaptability.

    R: You’ve once had a TVB fa dan identity, but why did you change gears to the film industry?

    MY: It is due to fate. At that time, Media Asia approached me and gave me this opportunity, and I felt that it was very tempting, starring on a big screen, it is the dream of every actor.

    R: What kind of advantage over other actresses do you think you have? I realize that your Mandarin is very standard, knowing that you’re from Hang Zhou, that point quite shocks me.

    MY: Right. I think speaking good Mandarin is my biggest advantage, many directors also said that. Maybe because my Cantonese is also standard, so everybody thinks that I’m from Hong Kong. Although I’m deeply attached to Hong Kong as I’ve worked there for quite a long time, still I came from Hang Zhou! My parents are all there, that’s why I think that my home is in Hang Zhou, while Hong Kong is only my workplace.

    Concentrating in the film industry, Johnnie To personally demonstrated how to cook

    These years, Michelle has starred as the female lead in 3 Hong Kong movies consecutively, and she had to collaborate with great directors and experienced actors. But frankly speaking, because there were a lot of male scenes, Michelle didn’t really appear much in those movies.

    Source: http://ent.163.com/09/0620/17/5C94PI4E00031H2L.html
    Translation: ling gan @ AsianFanatics
  2. rockman3

    rockman3 Well-Known Member

    We will wait and see..