Mina says she won't do slutty pictures anymore Monday, July 23 2007 @ 11:02 PM CDT Sexy singer Mina has revealed that she will no longer do photos that reveal her body to excess because she feels that it lowers her worth and casts her in a "slutty light." Mina claims that the semi-nude photos of her posted on the internet are often photo-shopped and fake, and she feels ashamed and saddened as a result. If Mina thinks that not taking slutty photos will somehow raise her net worth she's in for a rude awakening.Currently, this woman has nothing but her sex appeal to sell. The music on her new album, "Minastasia," can be ranked somewhere next to horrible, and the only people buying her album are horny boys who buy her cds so they can beat off to the cd jacket cover. And what's the point of saying no more revealing photos if you've already done them? That's like Paris Hilton saying that she won't show her tits anymore. Sounds noble and all, but when the whole world already downloaded your sex tape, there's very little dignity to salvage. Know what I mean? Credits to EmpasNews