Miriam attended the "2008 World Aids Day" activities yesterday. She has been telling people ways of preventing the spread of aids in the internet since 1999, such as regular check up and safe sex. Asked what is the best method to prevent the spread of aids? Miriam said "I tell people what I would do for myself to prevent the spread of aids." Kary Ng disclosed that she was prejudice against the aids sufferers before. But when she grew up and educated in the US, she had experienced prejudice herself and, she found it most intolerable. Asked what she would do to prevent the spread of aids? She said "certainly, I have safe method, it is my responsibilty." Eric Suen was asked what method he used since he always out at night? He reolied" It's none of my business. In future when I get married, I would go with my wife for a check up. But I haven't got a girl friend yet. I became a Christian 3 weeks ago. I won't have sex before marriage. I will use my energy to concentrate in music and let off steam by doing exercise." Source:MingPao "Translator:dragon888 @ http://www.************"