OMG! I just got bite by those stupid zebra misquito -.-" Ughh! Now the whole area is a lump and it's itchy! GOSH, Who else HATES these retched bugs? Because I most certainly do!
I'm sure I've written a post about this....
you all should know, that those 6 legged and 8 legged are the true rulers of the world... Hornets are fierce but it's not everywhere like mosquitoes, it's one of those bugs that everyone hates.
u dont know wat bad is...i went to "lai chi yuen" in HK and got bitten all over my arms and bad was it? i was too embarassed to leave my house for a few days and had to wear long sleeves to macau and that is bad...and the doctor gave me a shot on my ass like wTFF
Well they are everywhere.. in the cracks of walls, in your floorboards, ceiling, underground EVERYWHERE!!!
I always get bit by these stupid insects and my leg is full of scars because I keep scratching it. I can't even wear shorts because my legs are so ugly :(
hate them for sure, sometimes i get a really bad reaction if i got bite, it's swollen for a week at least and it's painful.
camping...oh geez the wild mosq-ies they hurt and itchy as heck. Thats why we got a insecticutor...the tennis racket zapping thing