miss A greets fans at a Lesmore fan signing in Busan

Discussion in 'Korean Entertainment' started by _Fahrenheit_, May 25, 2011.

  1. 20110525_missa_lesmore.jpg

    Handling a busy schedule with the release of their new single album, “LOVE ALONE“, miss A still found time to greet their fans at the Lesmore fan signing in Busan on May 24th.

    The shoe brand that they endorse held a special event for miss A’s fans, and many came out to meet them, showing their popularity. A new store opened in the local area and the fan signing was held to celebrate the occasion.

    miss A put a lot of effort in signing an autograph for each fan and even taking some pictures with them, surely leaving the fans overjoyed with the experience.


  2. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    need high res pic of this pleas.e