Miss Hong Kong Contestants Watch Dragon Boat Races At the dragon boat festival yesterday, the 16 Miss Hong Kong contestants were joined by last year's winners Aimee Chan, Janet Chow and Koni Lui at Shatin's Shing Mun River to watch the races and support the TVB team. Aimee indicates she has never paddled in a dragon boat before, but was the drummer once. Asked whether the men would paddle faster when she was beating the drum, she was a little embarrassed and smiled that she did not know. Asked if she has been passing on her tips to this year's contestants, Aimee says that she told them that winning or losing is not important as long as they just be themselves and keep an open heart. This way they can be natural. Also, not to drink before bed to avoid looking puffy in the morning. Koni says that there were a lot of people who called to her as 'The Puzzle Girl' after her character in her show, making her very happy. Many of the contestants indicated that this was their first time at the dragon boat races and only Number 11 Kendra Wong Chung Yin indicated that she once paddled in a dragon boat when she was studying in America, but she was very slow because she was not very rhythmic and afterwards, her arms were aching very badly. http://paper.wenweipo.com/2007/06/20/EN0706200009.htm
how many are in the finals every year?? at this rate, every chick in HK above age 15 will end up having have run in the beauty pagent lol