Shit like this is just so comical. You have to wonder where people have their head at. Looks like Judy Tsang Man's has her's up her ass, LOL... In a rush? For a quick synopsis, just read the red highlighted lines. I don't think she'll need to worry about fashion sense for a while...
maybe she just forgot she had it in her hand? or forgot it was the library's? earning hk$8k, i think she would pay for such small things...
Dolly isnt exactly a fashion magazine, its like a teen magazine for girls. Y she would want that, i have no idea. Every issue is filled with stuff on how to get a boyfriend and similar things.
Maybe she just forget to pay and people make a big fuss about it since she is an actress. If the same thing happen to a normal people maybe they will just make him pay and let them go.
i think she may have done it by accident or was set up or something, i mean why would you want to steal a magazine? and if she really did purposely steal it, then all i can say is wow
Celebrities are too often greedy, brain-dead and think they are above the law. Look at those 2 stupid young singers get caught in Japan for smoking pot and stealing.
again to reiterate --> Do not use your entertainment world position to try and get yourself out of trouble. It backfires sometimes, and might get you into deeper trouble. nonetheless, stealing a magazine... losing her contract/job... that's still harsh. but i guess anything must be done to preserve the good image of atv @@
yeah, um since its a dolly magazine, probably thinking of how to use the techniques in the magazine on scoring her next guy teenager style. the weirdest part of the whole story is what type of magazine she took. how old is she?