For those that keep updated: Source: Knoc
-_-' i opened aljazeera website n BAM pic of dead gadhafi on the front page....i was thinking... is this necessary... do we really need to see that? these days it seems to be normal for the press to publish those kinda pics.... i saw dead MJ too -_-'
Even the US President has an address on CNN. Who's he? Just a dude that refuses to step down after most of his citizens doesn't want him as leader. Who cares?
he's hanging with hussein and bin laden down at camp no name Update: As full coverage as you can get: Warning, images and details may be graphic to some.
I didn't see it but yeah, you're right .. do we really need to see those bloody pics? I am guessing that people are more insensitive to such type of graphic these days .. you see too much on mass media that it's nothing .. just a dead body .. no biggy .. AND sometimes, people gotta see such stuffs to wake up ... get the point across .. lol