LOLLLLL man shes living in a dream world. when she goes out to work maybe everything will hit her like a train...
Girl needs a definite reality check. The fact she thinks that her first paycheque will allow her to buy a 4000 dollar bag is ridiculous. An airhead like that is probably just doing a bachelor of arts degree or something similar, her first paycheque probably won't even break a grand. She's got 3 more years until real life gives her a major kick to the ovaries. Who knows though, maybe she will just gold dig a rich guy to support her lifestyle.
Haha just wait till her parents drop dead, her brother takes all the family money, and she has to fend for herself. I have an mental image going on and it's fucking hilarious.
woah.. spoiled to the extreme... it takes me ages to save up for a phone and she just asks the parents... her yearly spending probably exceeds wat an average household makes.. lol
lol word. i can probably come up with a few scenarios too. tbh, her parents are total massive faggots. a private tutor? a salesman? and they still put up with this shit? some people need to grow a pair and say no stfu gtfo and bitch needs to get thrown to darfur.
actually reminds me of this ………………………………..__………………………………………… ………………………..,-~*’`¯lllllll`*~,…………………………………… …………………..,-~*`lllllllllllllllllllllllllll¯`*-,……………………………… ………………,-~*llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll*-,……………………………. ……………,-*lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllll.…………………………… ………….;*`lllllllllllllllllllllllllll,-~*~-,llllllllllllllllllll………………………….. …………..lllllllllllllllllllllllllll/………;;;;llllllllllll,-`~-,……………………… …………...lllllllllllllllllllll,-*………..`~-~-,…(.(¯`*,`,…………………….. …………….llllllllllll,-~*…………………)_-..*`*;..)……………………. ……………..,-*`¯,*`)…………,-~*`~.………….../…………………….. ……………...|/.../…/~,…...-~*,-~*`;……………./.…………………….. ……………../.../…/…/..,-,..*~,.`*~*…………….*...…………………… …………….|.../…/…/.*`......……………………)….)¯`~,……………... …………….|./…/…./…….)……,.)`*~-,……….../….|..)…`~-,…………. ……………/./.../…,*`-,…..`-,…*`….,---…...…./…../..|……...¯```*~-,,,, …………...(……….)`*~-,….`*`.,-~*.,-*……|…/.…/…/……………….. …………….*-,…….`*-,...`~,..``.,,,-*……….|.,*...,*…|…………..…….. ……………….*,………`-,…)-,…………..,-*`...,-*….(`-,………………. ……................f`-,………`-,/…*-,___,,-~*….,-*……|…`-,……….…….
woah, she is gonna like fall down a cliff into the real world one day, and she is gonna hit the bottom hard.
there are tons of those types of girls...they never understand the true value of money and probalby won't cuz she'll find some rich bf or guy to take care of her that is if she is lucky. the younger generation i've noticed have no concept of how money is earned thye just think it falls out of the sky