'Moonlight Resonance' Mooncake Handout

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by mr_evolution, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    'Moonlight Resonance' Mooncake Handout

    Moses Chan (陳豪), Tavia Yeung (楊怡) and Kate Tsui (徐子珊) try some limbo dancing during a promotional event for TVB series Moonlight Resonance <家好月圓>, 27 August 2008, Hong Kong. Kate's character finally makes an appearance in the show this week.

  2. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol, free moon cakes eh, this is some pretty good advertising gimmick tho, lol,
    wonder if they will hand out mooncakes in aussie :p
  3. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    I so feel like a moon cake right now
  4. i agree.. very smart move by TVB the series airs during Mid-Autumn Festival and lots of moon cake companys taged along to get their plugs in between the show (commericals) i believe TVB will make a handful and also the mooncake makers!
  5. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol, dammit, so they're getting something in return, lol, so 小財不出, 大財不入, lol , so they decided to air this during the festival :p. lol im surpised they didnt Launch a New Line of Mooncakes tho, lol
    MoonLight Resonance Branded Mooncakes :p
  6. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    w000t i hope what susanna said will happen .. a 3rd collaboration woo hooo hmm wonder what the theme will be ........ hmmmmm ....fish ^_^ hmm tasty
  7. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    oh free mooncakes, they should do that more often lol.
  8. jazlynnyee

    jazlynnyee Fantabulous!!!

    additional pics and info from the same event:









    Cast of "Moonlight Resonances" Gives out Mooncakes causes Chaos; More popular than the Cast

    TVB's "Moonlight Resonances" cast members including: Lee Si Kei, Susanna Kwan, Michelle Yim, Ha Yu, Moses Chan, Tavia Yeung and Kate Tsui were in the shopping mall yesterday for the 「溏心家族對對碰」 promotional event. Besides challenging the audience members to reenact some of the dialogues heard in the series, they also played limbo (三人蓮步舞) with the audience. One netizen put their valuables for an online auction, the money earned will be donated to the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. The promotion ended with the cast members passing out Mooncakes to the audience, the audience quickly left their seats and actively fought for the mooncakes, causing the scene to be a bit chaotic. The workers at the shopping mall immediately told everyone to calm down through the microphone, because the scene has many elderly, they must make it safe for them.

    Tavia Yeung: "Even fought for Basket"

    As the scene was a bit chaotic and for safety reasons, Tavia and Kate only stood on stage to pass out the mooncakes, they did not dare to go into the crowd. In contrast, Lee Si Kei (LSK), Moses and Chris Lai passed out mooncakes directly to the audience. There was one audience who was carrying a little boy expressed to LSK that they did not have any hands to take the mooncake, LSK gave her a box of mooncakes instead of the original gift of one. Afterwards, Tavia shouted: "Very dangerous, they were fighting for the mooncakes, not us, they even tried to take the basket, how come the mooncakes are more popular than us? No one called out our names, they only said 'Tavia can you give me a mooncake!' But I have never had so much fun passing out mooncakes, I'm only worried about the elders. (Did you get scared?) Nope, but my hands are all red from everyone scratching."

    As for Kate Tsui who plays a villain in the series, she will appear in episode 22, speaking of the recent reports saying that netizens has been criticising her even when she didn't appear yet, she expressed that its a good thing, it proves that there are many people that notices her and her role. In reality, the producer also wanted to have this effect. As for Moses, he filmed a swim wear scene with Kate, he worked hard on keeping fit and losing weight, he said: "although I didn't get the effect on my body that was wanted, but that's okay. Males need to have some fat in order to have the safety feel." As to yesterday when audience were fighting actively for mooncakes, he expressed that the mooncakes and its box had the words "Moonlight Resonance" (the chinese title) on it, there is a lot of meaning to it. If he was a housewife, he would go fight with everyone too!

    Susanna hopes for 3rd collaboration

    LSK expressed that the mooncakes ran out fast, although she didn't get scared, but she was worried about the elderly that they may have got hurt. Susanna who often has concerts has experienced the same type of situation in the past. She said when she came down from the stge, audience would come rushing towards her too, causing her to not be able to see where she's going, only was able to walk straight until there was no where to go, she said: "I get frighten sometimes, many times audiences would tug onto my shirt and I'm afraid we'll end up creating a domino effect." Also, Susanna said that she and Louis Yuen's relationship in the series will be coming soon, she smiles and said although they worked hard to film the love scenes, but it still turns out to be a comedic relationship. She also hopes that the cast of "Moonlight" could collaborate for the 3rd time, as she hopes to play the role of being left by her husband, a fresh feeling for the viewers.

    Also, Michelle's villainous scenes will be coming continuously, but audience didn't really hate her but instead said that she brought laughter, but people have criticised her hair sytle, in regards to this, she said: "I know that some people like it, some people don't like it, but when designing the character, I already thought that even my hairstyle needs to look evil, so used real hair to make the wig, actually this style is quite in style, this year its popular, I heard some hairstylist say that many people saw my hairstyle and wanted to get their hair cut like mines!"

    Also, "Heart of Greed" has just finished airing on Astro On Demand in Malaysia, because the TV ratings has been constantly increasing, the cast members including LSK, Ha Yu, Moses Chan, Michelle Yim, Louis Yuen, Raymond Lam and Tavia Yeung all went to the "Heart of Greed Party" to watch the finale. That night there were 50 tables. Then the cast played a listening game, they would do dog barking sounds, one cast member would be blindfolded and would have to guess who made the barking sounds. Moses, Raymond and Tavia had "miserable", "hoarse sound" and "injured" barking sounds respectively, but in the end LSK's barking sounds stole the spotlight. The whole night was full of laughters. In order to promote Astro On Demand (AOD) and Hong Kong's Moonlight Resonance", LSK, Ha Yu, Moses and Tavia accepted radio interview and filmed a promotional clip. In Malaysia they constantly attended fan meetings and established a closer relationship with the Malaysian viewers.

    Source: Takungpao, Oriental Daily, The Sun, Mingpao
    Translated by: aZnangel @ http://******************/forums/
  9. rockman3

    rockman3 Well-Known Member

    Tavia is so stunning~~!!! Hope Tavia will come out with more dramas~~!!!
  10. Yuan

    Yuan Member

    I'm so jealous! I want some moon cake from 家好月圓! Raymond is too good looking! The series is so awesome!
  11. lovinglyxx

    lovinglyxx Well-Known Member

    is that mai suet in the blue? she looks a bit young lol
  12. distemper

    distemper Well-Known Member

    it will be interesting to see what tavia & moses will be performing when they perform this Sat in Sydney. i have a feeling it will be related to moonlight resonance
  13. too bad i already know for sure they won't be handing out free mooncakes over here in Boston lol..... but i could so go for one right now