List any similarites that you see between the two series. List 'em as we go along... I'll start. MR: Episode 1... (1996) Hoh Ma and three of her kids that the judge decided to give to her (Ah Ho, Ah Hei, and Ah Yuet) go chasing after the car that contains the rest of her family. HOG: During the funeral of Dai Boa, the eldest son is supposed to follow in the van where the coffin is held. Since Sai Kei won't allow anyone but her own son, Ah Foon, everyone else goes chasing after the big truck, screaming, yelling, and crying.
moses seem like duk duk dei in this series... likes to show boat and the party starter etc. also the main theme has the same mood as the first one and ya its sang by susanna again. thats the only things i caught that was similar so far. :/
i just thought of something else. MR: Episode 2: When Jo Boa's mom comes to the bakery of Hoh Ma, she screams and yells. Then, the other housewives that came to learn to make cookies scream back at her. HOG: Johnson Lee has anger management problems after Dai Boa helps Johnson's late father's second wife with a legal case. He comes yelling in which everyone chips in to help before he stops, with everyone yelling "Help me call the police!" MR: Episode 3 When Ah Ka comes in to see Hoh Ma, he does like a "show" about stocks. HOG: Sai Boa does a "show" to say which abalones are the best from Japan in the very beginning. MR: Episode 3: The grandmother finally gives in: letting all her grandkids be able to eat with the other side of the family on 08/15 (Moon Cake Festival). They eat at the restaurant and Ah [Red] calls her husband asking him when he's gonna be done. He replies that they are almost done, and will be home at around 10. She says the exact opposite to her mother-in-law, lying to her that they still have a very long time until the end of the meal. HOG: When Dai Kei goes to England after finding out she has cancer, she does not answer anyone from her family's phone calls, except for Sai Kei. Dai Kei told Sai Kei that she has faith in beating the cancer cells and has faith that she will live on. Sai Kei, however tells the exact opposite to the family, saying that she has no faith in winning the battle against cancer, and also saying that Dai Boa needed to sell some of his stores for money so that her son could get the money and have his own business. ***I'm sure that every single episode will have at least one simalarity.***
The theme song this time, sorry, I don't like it. I definitely love the one last year. It's one of my favorite. Susanna Kwan is still SOOOO ANNOYING. Sze Kei jei is still SOOOOO nice. Ha Yu is still SOOOOOO "sei gue"
yepp "duk duk dei" and "dai kai"'s role are similar to HoG... duk duk dei is sooo funnny XD i think michelle will be verrry evil ( like susanne in HoG) and susanne's evilness is sometimes loveable x)
Well the Theme song are both very similar. HOG: Fala reads her touching essay in english while raymond translates (Loved that scene, so touching) MR: Fala gets job interview while raymond translates her movements. (Also very touching ah!)
LMAO TO THT!!!!!!!! lolXD Agreeed @ Vayha: Um...i think it was Ah Foon tht translated in HOG wasnt it?....not completely sure, just wondering...
ok, just to repeat what everyone said about epi. 4. MR: Ah Ho translates the sign language for the interviewers. HOG: Ah Foon translate english to chinese for what a yun wrote for her final. MR: Episode 5: Ah Sa gets 50% of her husband's wealth if she wins the case, and again, she lies about the chances of winning. (from 10% of winning, she said 90%) HOG: Sai Kei wanted half of Dai Boa's fortune after they got married for two years in Switzerland. And, she lied the total opposite for the stuff Dai Kei told her over the phone when she was in England.
MR: Michelle runs the bakery business. (Evil bitch here) HoG: Michelle ran the abalone business. (Nice sister here) MR: Ha Yu's life is controlled by woman, i.e. his mother and Michelle. HoG: Hay's life is controlled by woman, Dai Kei, Sai Kai, and Michelle. MR: Suzanna is still an annoying bitch. She speaks her mind and likes to butt into other's business. HoG: Suzanna was the evil annoying bitch. She did not speak her mind (i.e. conceal the fact that she wanted the 6 billion dollar estate). She also likes to discipline/teach Dai Kei's kids.
MR: Episode 6: Ah Ka goes into the PR company and people just go around him, because he's the popular one. HOG: Sai Bao goes into the abalone company and everyone welcomes him. MR: Episode 6: The Karoke scene where Ah Hong and Dai Bao sings the song. HOG: I think there was a part where the family sang a karoke song too. MR: Episode 7: Jo Boa tells how he honors and sees his ex-father-in-law as an elderly. HOG: Tavia tells of how she thinks of her mother-in-law as someone she will always honor.
its when it was dai kai and tong yan guy's anniversary or dai kais bday .. not sure... MR showing old videos and ho mas picture HOG showing old photographs on slide shows
MR: Episode 8: The family goes to court to battle for the [Ka Ho Yuet Yuen] bakery brand name. The cars come up to the court and the people walk out. (They are either on Sa Yee's side or Ah Hong's side.) HOG: I believe episode 38 or 39, maybe even 40. Both cars speed up to the court, only their sides have changed, except for Linda and Lai Lok Yi. (By sides, I mean like whose side they were on, Sai Kei or Lei Yee.)
MR: Episode 9: Ah Choew is talking on the phone with Ah Ho. All of a sudden, a taxi crashes into a public bus and Ah Choew drops her earphone to save the people. Ah Ho thinks that she crashed, so he runs to see if he's ok. HOG: There were two scenes that were like this, one with Linda and Moses, and the other with Raymond and Linda.