Moses Chan as 甘永家

Discussion in 'Heart of Greed II - 溏心風暴之家好月圓' started by love_of_tvb, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. love_of_tvb

    love_of_tvb Well-Known Member

    (from, and translated by love_of_tvb)
    Age: 28
    Custody: Jo Boa

    He is the eldest of Hoh Ma's children. He was only 16 when his parents divorced. To now, he still sees Ah Hong as the third person in his parent's relationship and treats her coldly. When Hoh Ma and Jo Boa had to go to court to fight for their children's custody, he had wanted to go with Hoh Ma, but was urged to pick Jo Boa so that he could take care of his siblings.

    He did what was requested by Hoh Ma, only to find that Ah Hong spoiled his other two brothers, therefore easily getting his two brothers' trust. His two brothers saw Ah Hong as if she were their biological mother. In the family of Jo Boa, he did not have any power. As he started to mature, he changed alot; he hid his feelings to himself as well as becoming a flirter and sweet talker. But, he continued to be cold towards Ah Hong and insisted on not calling her Mom.

    As he grew older, he didn't want to depend on Jo Boa, but himself. He worked at a PR company and developed a great hobby for stocks. With his great talent in speaking, he had quite a sucess. He wanted to earn big money. But his hobby was only developed because Ah Hong told Ah Yung to convince him to deal with stocks after the hatred from her heart of how he treated her so coldly. He thought that he had a great talent in stocks, but he ended up in debt. He owed people a lot of money, and yet he still loved to gamble on stocks.

    In his love relationships, he is usually carefree. He was mistaken that his boss had a crush on him. But, he has a supporter that is constantly around him, and as well having a crush on him. And that person is Ah Yuet, Hoh Ma's adopted daughter.
  2. lovinglyxx

    lovinglyxx Well-Known Member

    i hope he doesnt fall into a trap and can never get back up =(( he was one of my fave. characters in HOG.. but seems a bit weird in this?.. anyway i like it how he doesnt give in to ar hung and knows she is a bitch hahaa
  3. liquidzyklon

    liquidzyklon Well-Known Member

    It will be interesting to see how Moses matches with Tavia. Also, when he gets into debt, I wonder who will be helping him then.
  4. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    He's still as funny as ever. He retains a bit of duk duk dei in him. But the way he's so indifferent to the matters that are goin on in the family is kind of disappointing though.
  5. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    lol I giggled when he first came on talking on the phone. I love Moses! I like this character more than DukDukDei lol, cause he isn't as 'lo to' looking! hahahha
  6. ray89

    ray89 Well-Known Member

    hes not "lo to" in this one but alot more "fowe qwa" or w.e
  7. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    i like how he stands up against ah hong at home and not giving her respect and how he loves his mom so much that he was willing to go against his grandmothers wishes during the dinner

    he has so much "gwut hei"
  8. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    lmao he never like like his grandmother or ah hung ... if you watch the episodes clearly it will say moses and chris(young) says "no i dont want to go to that womens house " (talking about the grandmother) and i think episode 4 moses and lee szi kei talks about how he is a undercover cop and he always wanted to pick ho ma and not jo ba ..... .. its not that hes got gwat hey ... he is doing as he ho ma ......
  9. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    i really like moses when he always watches out for his "goo piu" ^^
    epspecially in the toilet (episode 6 ) XDDDDDDDDDDDD
    sooo crazy!!! i bet on day he will lose all his $$ XD
  10. he's once again the funny one in the series but also a sad childhood he was forced to go to the other family to look after his other brothers... which i think wasn't very fair for him....i like how he's very loyal to his real mum
  11. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    best character .. me thinks....... i wanna know where i can get that detective like coat and those glasses .. lool .. oh yh have u guyes realized that his glasses has no lens hahahah
  12. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    rofl... didnt notice that... but his glasses are awesome x)
    i also think that hes the best char in this serie so far...
  13. an0nymous

    an0nymous Well-Known Member

    i like him. his so funny. i like the joke about what u eat what shit out. so just eat shit and u will shit out shit. LOL
  14. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol he sounds alright, i swear, any more Heurng har language him from and i woulda gone grrrr. lol him and ah yuet........... shivers
  15. love_of_tvb

    love_of_tvb Well-Known Member

    eww, i want to cry, he has to kiss astrid, and more women in the series, who know? it's not that i don't like astrid, but i don't see a point to that.
  16. right now im enjoying moses character more than the duk duk dei one in the first series.. he's alot funnier.
  17. michelle7879

    michelle7879 Well-Known Member

    i love Ah Ka character in Moonlight Resonance up to now.. i wil miss Duk Duk Dei.. and i did love Ah Ka.. and Moses give me a feel of, he is great.. he can hold wat ever role very great... Ah Ka @ Moses is GREAT

  18. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    Duk Duk Dei and Ah Ka are both heaps good characters performed by Moses! Creates the funniness in the series
  19. jklee369

    jklee369 Well-Known Member

    Definitely the most funny character in this series, good stuff :)
  20. noamericano

    noamericano Active Member

    this sucks that he's not the main actor in this one but raymond lam is. but i still like his character it's pretty funny. =D