Moses Chan (陳豪), Maggie Shiu (邵美琪), Ben Wong (黃智賢), and the cast of TVB’s new drama Perfect Traitor <完美叛侶> attended a blessing ceremony for the series. The romantic drama stars Moses and Maggie as a couple going through marital problems. Ben plays the third person in their marriage. Moses expressed that Perfect Traitor is a drama with a very special topic. He believes that many viewers would find the drama interesting as it discusses about the problems that come with marriage and family. “It’s quite a challenge for me,” said Moses. Asking if Moses is going through similar marital problems in real life, he said, “No! Touch wood!” Are Moses and wife Aimee Chan (陳茵薇) still very sweet with each to her? “I’m learning how to maintain our relationship as husband and wife, including how to be a father and a mother… just many things to consider.” Moses said he is not a very romantic person, but Aimee has a big heart. She and their son would occasionally draw pictures for Moses, giving him surprises. Aimee has also been decorating the house in celebration for Halloween. Has Moses thought about the possibility of having marital problems in the distant future? He said, “I don’t want to think like that. I’m in a very blissful era. If you love someone, you cannot only love her perfections. You have to love her imperfections as well.” Creds: Oncc