Moses Chan says 'Knitting Bernice' is Cute Moses Chan, Linda Chung and other cast members from "Jewel's Splendor" were spotted at Hong Kong airport earlier as they prepared to set off to France to film on location. As Moses is currently appearing in the hit series "Heart of Greed", many fans called out his character's nickname 'Dak Dak Dei' and pulled him over for photos. Some female fans even asked for a hug. He says that they will be in France for at least two weeks and hopes to try the local Bordeaux red wine. As for the recent reports that rumoured girlfriend Bernice Liu will be knitting him a jumper, Moses smiles sweetly and says: "That cover is very sweet! Great promotion!" Asked if he will be building a love nest with Bernice, he says: "The news about my apartment broke ages ago. It is just an investment." Linda says that she will be rushing back for a "Heart" promotion, so she will only be in France for two days and she reveals that she will be taking the crew out to karaoke when she returns together with Raymond Lam.