Most Secretely Admired Guy!

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by blackmagic, Aug 4, 2006.

  1. blackmagic

    blackmagic Well-Known Member

    So there's this one Vietnamese/Chinese guy at my school that practically every girl is madly obsessed with. He's like the talk of the ENTIRE student body. I'm not even exaggerating. Every time a "who do you think is hot?" topic comes up, every girl's automatic response is "VINCENT TA!" (I think that's how you spell his last name) Every time he passes by in the hallway, you'd hear girls squealing or staring at his back side whispering amongst one another (I imagine that they are praising how good he looks). It's exactly like what you'd see in the movies...

    Even my best girl friend (who is usually very picky) thinks he's good in every aspect. >.< I admit that he IS kinda (okay, VERY :p) good looking, but I mean, is the screaming in the hallways really necessary? lol Every girl practically freezes in her tracks every time he is sighted. It's actually quite amusing, really. :D One of my guy friends mentioned that he looks kind of like this one Japanese actor named Masaya Kikawada. Some dude that was in Battle Royal or something like that...

    Anyway, I didn't notice that he was such a popular guy until the girls in my PE class started talking about him. He is known as this "hot, nice, funny, and smart" guy. -rolleyes I don't have any classes with him, but this is what I have been hearing, that he's like "the perfect" guy. lol I'm not sure if he knows it or not, but he must be the most secretly admired guy in our school (which is quite big!).

    So I'm wondering, are there any guys like this at your school? A guy that every girl likes to talk about? If so, share your experiences!
  2. taichi_masta

    taichi_masta Well-Known Member

    wth? I have competition?!? That Vincent guy is going down! He sounds too good to be true! He probably is! =P
  3. ahhh i havent seen this kinda talk since junior high >.<
  4. EvaxTvxQ

    EvaxTvxQ Well-Known Member

    omg, those details...ahH~ hmm i wish my school has someone like that..=T
    he sounds too good to be true..i wanna see a pic of him...
    the description is making me like him too!! even though iono who he is and what he looks like xD
  5. wondergirl

    wondergirl Well-Known Member

    lol seriously. Do you have any pictures of this guy? I'm dying to see just how "hot" he really is.

    I can't find any clear pictures of that Japanese guy you mentioned.
  6. HK! Fish

    HK! Fish Well-Known Member

    omg! this type of person used to be in my school too, the most talk-about kid!
    can't believe they exist wherever ur at also.

    their were quite a lot in junior high that i went too, (it's mostly white kids) lol..
    and some in high school (asian guys), it's pretty annoying having these kind of ppl at ur school tho.. >.<

    their so overrated feels like, ur talking about a celebrity that u hate.
  7. mint_T

    mint_T Well-Known Member

    Omg, those google pix don't do him any justice. He looks way cuter on screen! Then again, I have a thing for Japanese guys -sweat

    Here's a few SC's of him

    I think he's cute. Looks really young for his age too. :p Anyway, I remember there was this senior guy back at school whom every girl thought was hott. Even some of the guys thought he was pretty high up on the scale hahah. Everytime he passed by.. I would always have to give him a second glance. lol

    But the downside was that he had a girlfriend =[. It's been a year since graduation and I heard they're still together now. I thought they made a pretty good couple.....
  8. wot da...?? how come they never had those guys when i was back in school?? >_< oh wait ... i went to a girl's school :p

    i used to have a crush on this guy who looked exactly like my dreams guy... i was like -what? that guy actually exist?? but he dated my friend in the end... :(
  9. HK! Fish

    HK! Fish Well-Known Member

    omg! he's MORE than cute. he's super pretty!!!! <3

    btw, he doesn't look girly at all. don't know what's wrong with whoever that said that.. -shrug
  10. suijei

    suijei Well-Known Member

    it's...the turtle guy from sailormoon live..
  11. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    lol well he looked kinda girly from the pic that I saw...

    And you called him "pretty"! Isn't that a term usually used to describe a good-looking female? :p
  12. HK! Fish

    HK! Fish Well-Known Member

    uh, did i say pretty? oops... heh heh..

    i mean... hmm.... what should i call him?
    ........ beautiful! lol

    no, u could call guys pretty also. it is used for both males and females i think. :D
    if cute... then that's for girls. haha..
  13. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    lol I know what you meant. Just wanted to tease you, that's all. :p Judging from the pics that mint_T posted, he does seem to fall more into the "pretty-boy" category.

    But I thought that "cute" was also a term that can be used to describe both genders?
  14. HK! Fish

    HK! Fish Well-Known Member

    teasing?.. >.<

    i don't think so, cuz all i ever heard of "cute" is mostly girls that said it.
    but it's usually for guys to say to girls, but guys don't use that term often tho.

    but for like objects or items, it's mostly girls that said 'cute'.

    neways, i don't think he looks like a 'pretty-boy' type of person, he at least look more manly than other japanese guys. :)
  15. AVANT

    AVANT Well-Known Member

    Since everyone in your school's talking about him with each other... sounds like he's much more "publicly" admired than "secretly" admired (as your title says), haha.
  16. awwaves4ever

    awwaves4ever Well-Known Member

    Wow... this guy has his own fan club... it's just like in those animes where there's a big group of girls giggling and following him from a distance every he goes...
  17. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    well...there is this one guy...he transferred to our school. almost everyone likes him, except the guys of course :p every corner you go, theres always some girl bitching to one another about how they saw him first or how they were with him and stuff. personally, i think hes cute but his ego is way to big. hate guys with big egos
  18. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    LoL awe ^ all the guyz dat are suposed to
    be HOTT are all whites...i live in a white
    society...which is pretti sad...but ther is one
    chinese guy that every Asian gurl talks about
    nd maybe a few whites dat think hes cute/hott
    his english is okay la...but hes really cute...he
    even has two lito dimples...i have a thing for dimples..
    hes in da volley ball i guess hes pretti
    popular for an azn dat bad hes a bit to tall
    for too one will notice me
    he probably cant even see*sighs*
  19. fruity dofu

    fruity dofu Well-Known Member

    .i dont think screaming exist in my schools..LOL...unless someone is freaked out by something..
  20. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    awww its okay. imma shortyy too =T oOo he's in the volleyball team eh? the guy in my school is also in the volleyball team, but hes a 2nd stringer -^_^