A female dog possibly jumped off a building in Xinyi, Guangdong province, and committed suicide just days after its newborn pup died on Monday. Local residents said the dog, which gave birth early this month, stopped eating after its pup died a few days ago. The dog reportedly climbed up the roof of a three-story building and leapt to its death in the dead of the night. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2009-11/...ent_9015902.htm Awe, this is really sad to read =( Who says animals don't have feelings.
i dont believe that, i dont believe animals have the capacity for selfishness that humans have that would causes them to kill themselves, they (animals) may put themselves in a situation where they may die like protecting someone against a bigger animal but they aint gona go "time to die, ima jump of a building". theree are many reasons why a dog (or any animal) wont eat, hunger strike isnt one of them imo. something fishy imo, im sure there is more to it but but i doubt an investigation will happen, being a dog an all