^ You got an office for what? B/c it'll be hella wierd to dial that number for no reason Be to the topic: Nom nom nom
thats like consuming your own flesh and blood as it was only 3 and a half weeks old sick shit right here.
You would had thought that the authorities would had kept an eye on her case because of her illness and having a newborn baby. Just pure horror.
Yeah, read this the other day... so sad.... n who can we blame n what can we gain when we blame.... i feel sorry for the mum too... shes ill la....
I blame negligence on authority, the father, and the hospital. There was a red flag, yet they all seem blind.
what my uncle said whenever he's furiously mad & in an argument: "SATAN! GO AWAY!!!!" blame it to the devil
my god this mother probably has some sort of mental illness how the heck can u ever do that to your own child as well..