Lol! There’s some funny stuff in this vid. 1. “I don’t wanna be no damn Hershey kiss.” 2. his police car impersonation 3. when the cop car goes berserk now we know how African Americans play with their dolls. hahaha
I was decidedly neutral about the whole thing until he pulled out his pile of tickets. Like the old adage, "where there's smoke, there's fire" is called to mind... -noclue But I do agree, that the video is chocked full of humor, albeit in a sad sort of way. I hope he wins his case.
hahah oh damn.. that shit does look scary as hell.. "I'd rather have a dude come up here with a gun" -lol
lol no he said a nigga... but I was quoting it off the top of my head.. -lol but damn.. the McDonalds and Christmas video he did was hilarious.. -rotfl
ive always wondered why americans like saying this line.... are americans that religious...?...-huh bah parking tixs....boy ive had my fair share of them too -__-" most memorable one was when i got a parking tix coz my tix came off and the stoopid parking warden booked me for not having a tix....but you could see it on the floor...the tix was even facing up....and that guy just gave me that blah blah
Lol, I remember this dude from one of his other vids.. think something about how to get women with a nice fridge.
damn I had a run-in with a big ass bug myself today... So I was driving and had to blow my nose.. and I usually have a box of tissue on the backseat.. I go and reach for it... brought it up to my face and was about to grab the tissue.. and guess what was on it... a big ass spider!! I was like wtf!?!? how'd that get on there!? but yea.. killed it before it could pounce on me and turn me into spiderman or some shit.. lol