Synopsis: A story of a rookie cop, played by Shawn Yue (余文樂) taking on a veteran escape driver in death defying showdowns on the motorway. Anthony Wong Chau-Sang (黃秋生) plays a mentor to this rookie cop, something that Anthony has been proven good at in the past. Inspired by 70s cop and robber thrillers, director Pou-Soi Cheang aims to bring back a true sense of being in the driver’s seat –ultimately making the driver, rather than car, the main character of this movie. Action choreography is also lead by Chin Kar Lok (錢嘉樂), who has done great work in action movies such as The Viral Factor (逆戰). Starring: Shawn Yue Anthony Wong Chin Kar Lok Josie Ho Gordon Lam Directed by: Pou-Soi Cheang Genre: Action, Crime, Drama Trailer: [video=youtube;F5Lmf_k2XsQ][/video]