Hi there guys i have a problem with my msn it will not let me sign in it says "Your contacts list is not available right now Please try again later" and this is 2days straight that i can not sign in but i can sign my brothers msn and other people i trying using another computer and even a diffrent computer it give me the same error messgae lol i tryed everything top of my head i tryed the following -Repair the Software -Remvoing it and download the software again its the new msn -Restore my Computer -and even check msn status and it says its stable... ? ? ? -out2
It happens to me quite a fair few times, usually works after a couple of hours, have you tried reading the supports http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090523100330AAHz9mG
Yep i read everything the support dnt help i tryed everything the funny thing is it does not even work on a diffrent computer? and this has been going on for 2 days i dnt know what is going on? does it mean my email account is blocked? but i can see my emails on the internet? really need help-bowroflarms
Oh other services are ok such as Ebuddy and others its just the main Window Live Messenger... but i dnt like using those prefer the main software.....-bigsmiles
mebe your acc. has been hacked..?... just makey a new acc. lorrr sorgwa@hotmail.com.....hahahaha....-tongue2 waittt have you tried it on your mac messenger...?...coz thas diff. to windows msn
No its not been hacked... lol i dnt know what is wrong with it i can sign on using Ebuddy.... but not on the main program even difffrent computer ahhhhh
Just a wild guess, so don't kill me if your PC explodes. - Uninstall MSN (assuming the next steps are possible, so verify 1st) - Move the "C:\Documents and Settings\<your Windows account>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts" folder somewhere else. - Go into the Windows registry and export "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts" and then delete it. - Reinstall MSN. And ????????
I suggest you should try alternatives like windows messenger (Start -> All Programs -> windows messenger) or something like trillian. Or go to hotmail sign in and on the top right hand corner click on messenger (next to options) then web messenger. This is to see if it's you or M$ themselves, if its you try a system restore prior to this mess-up.
Damnit! Oh well, at least you and AC0110 are not alone if I read a few of the comments on this page: http://messengersays.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!5B410F7FD930829E!82557.entry
Hi there i tryed signing in on the Hotmail that you told me to and it works but the other thing it dnt work is me signing on msn on my Desktop on windows live messenger? dnt know why give me the same error.
Its all Good Now... some Bug on msn server side but now its working but some of the contacts are not there haha oh well.... lol just got the network back as my Internet was down bleh.... Thanks guys for all your Help thanks....-cool-woot2