hey guys...I'm currently doing my research project in uni...and I need to produce 6 artefacts to support my idea...and it would really help if u guys can help me fill out this questionnaire...it won't take long...just 3 questions!! here's my final character. this time i've created a droplet and got reference from qoo and pichonkun. through the images you can see that he is a very energetic character. and again he doesn't hav a visible mouth. please let me know what you think bout it, like it or not!! ur help will definitely help on my final year project!! thanks so much!! xxx HERE'S THE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1. Are you..... Male or Female? 2. Do you like the character? Please give reasons why. 3. How would you describe the character's personality?
yay another interesting character! You sure have an interesting project/class there =) Anyway here it goes: 1. Are you..... Male or Female? Female 2. Do you like the character? Please give reasons why. The character looks very cute. However I still seem to think he looks a bit flat/2D (because the rain drop head seems to have little depth to it). It's also hard to tell what he is thinking about, but it's also just as likely that he isn't thinking of anything and thus shoes the blank-ish face. Overall though (despite the not so positive comments), I like it, because the cuteness covers up the bad about it. 3. How would you describe the character's personality? He seems like a very creative and pro-active guy. He runs, skates, and after all the hard work, goes to chill and catch some rays.
f umm having the no mouth/nose looks kinda freakish i think...esp. the 1st and 2nd piccie.. and i dunno the head looks kinda diconnected to the bod...so umm...yesh it freaks me out a little but then i do likey the 3rd piccie....i dunno mebe its the sunnies...appeals a bit...so i dunno ... he likes to have fun, and is active...(stole the word from intraland)..haaha good lucky..!
i disagree with bb. having no mouth or nose doesnt make it freakish. its cute ummm i think it needs a neck to be honest. its good as it is though is there gonna be a buddy for him?? a sun buddy or cloud buddy??
1. Are you..... Male or Female? Male 2. Do you like the character? Please give reasons why. Ya, he's blue, rain drop shape head. Doesn't look ugly 3. How would you describe the character's personality? Calm and active character headbang2
male rain drops are cool, but it's hard to see his emotions and expressions. rain drop is really active, in its teens or young adult age, and just a very laid-back personality.