My girlfriend is weak, scared, powerless, pussy, coward

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by hongkongboy, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. hongkongboy

    hongkongboy Well-Known Member

    My girlfriend is weak, scared, powerless, naive, pushover

    ive been going out with her nearly a year now and have realise she is powerless and too easy going. we both knew before we went out i cant get along with her friends, and they dont like me either but now i have realise these friends have been slaying her like proper spreading false negative rumours about me and calling her names etc.. and recently one of them is now going out with her closest cousin, recently her friends been calling me a retard and even her cousin doesnt help her stick up sometimes her friend really do treat her like shit, i told my gf many times just stop hanging out with them but she always tells me they only joking etc..eventhough it get to a point she crys

    i mean i dont know why she is soo easy going she seem bullied in my point of view. she been with these friends longer than ive been with her 2gether. my gf likes going alot and she hates staying home. tbh i am not soo sure weather she is only easy going and let people say thing to her and not get proper mad because she knows if she falls out with these people she would have not friends to go out with and result stay home most the time. she has got some very cool friends in school now but they live kinder far away.

    i dont know what to do, sometimes she give me a feeling she more on her friend side than me

    i wish one day i dont need to ask her the question:

    you choose me or your friends
    #1 hongkongboy, Jan 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2010
  2. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    it's not that bad. I've been through worst. All i can say is hopefully, she'll wake up one day and kno the difference between good and bad. Good Luck
  3. Katibear

    Katibear Well-Known Member

    For a start, it's not very nice to call your girlfriend a pussy :/
  4. i agree with kb, not sure how you can call her that, weak, powerless, scared.. that's fine but the other word... you should watch the words you use lest it betrays your low breeding.

    now you say these friends are talking about you, one thing i personally cant tolerate is people talking about me while im not there, its happened before and ive been quick to put a stop to it publicly if necessary resulting in the other person feeling silly and seeing the bad side of master_g.

    seeing that they made your gf cry i would have to call you the coward for allowing this to go on... so i say you go an have a word with them, if that doesn't work, take them for a walk down Epping forest (actually dont do that and if you dont know what that means then dont worry about it... kapeesh).
  5. BestOffer

    BestOffer Well-Known Member

    sounds like you want her to be on your side because she is your gf? makes me feel like your the one who is weak, scared, powerless, pussy, coward :whistling:
  6. hongkongboy

    hongkongboy Well-Known Member

    master g noasian, this is more complicated than you think, but thanks for replying
  7. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    don't you just love immature people that have no business in dating and relationships; and here we are ... calling his gf weak, scared, powerless, pussy and coward. grow up!!
  8. loco

    loco Member

    Let's not get too hasty... take a deep breath and clear the mind.

    I'm sure the word he used was just 'out of the blue' and not what he meant. It seems he's in quite abit of emotional stress so possibly give him a benefit of the doubt?

    Your girlfriend has been with her friends for so long, so you need to understand that from her point of view, she can't just ignore and stop hanging out with them, even if you request it. It's not a simple light switch. Maybe if she can't stick up for herself, you should probably be with her when she is with her friends so you provide support and face the perpetrators?

    If they are truely her friends however, they should respect who your girlfriend choses to be with (i.e. you). If they are constantly rambling on about you, maybe they are jelous of some sort? And the rubbish treatment she is getting, what sort of friends are they? Either way, it's understandable your angry about all the back talk and bad treatment your girlfriend is receiving. The best bet is to set the friends straight that no matter what they say, you and your girlfriend are happy together so they should live with it. Don't react in such a way that it may destroy your relationship, i'm sure that is what her friends would like to happen.

    Also, don't apply too much pressure on your girlfriend. You do that, and you're pushing her further away to the point of no return. She's already being bullied by her friends, she doesn't need her boyfriend to do the same. Comfort her, give her advice and express how you feel about the matter, not forcefully telling her what to do. Relationships can be quite complicated, but don't lose hope when a problem arises. Your bond will only grow stronger once you've overcome this obstacle and i'm sure you both can happily share ice cream together again -tongue2
  9. hongkongboy

    hongkongboy Well-Known Member

    thanks loco, just hope things will improve in the future
  10. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I agree with Loco. In any type of relationship, you gotta keep an open mind and communication. You're probably frustrated with the situation now but if you truly like/love her, then you should learn to deal with it the best you can. Put yourself in her shoes .. if you've been with your friends longer than her and they keep trashing her such as you can do better than that .. she's not that great looking and shit - you know what I mean. Perhaps to you, it's nothing but men's talk; she might be hurt by these comments.
  11. wait, so one of the friends is going out with their first cousin? what?
  12. stephyy

    stephyy Member

    that not true not all girl are like that
  13. Jenk

    Jenk New Member

    I would also suggest that you take her out and show her some of your friends. Let her see what you really means by friendship. In the long run, she will decide for herself what kind of friends she would rather have.
  14. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    Leon I'm not being funny but I remember there's an age difference?
    Like you're in uni and she's in college I believe? And what who would she have if she fell out of her "friends" because she chose you whilst you are out and about with your lads from uni?

    You can say she's a coward for not wanting to feel lonely, lonely without friends altho she has you. Maybe she cries when remarks are made to her by the friends but she may be used to it in a way? If she is that sensitive maybe you shouldn't make her choose.. Stand by her and bite your lip until something really drastically happens or wait till she gets into uni and see if her new group of friends will change or not?
  15. nimik221

    nimik221 Member

    You're a giant DOUCHE BAG for even calling her that. Doesn't help the situation by further putting her down you tool.

    First off, you should never make your gf or bf choose between you and his/her friends. It'll make matters worse than it is. You can help open their eyes and hopefully they'll see what you see and feel and make the decision then. Second, have you tried to be mature and get along with her friends? I'm not saying going out with them once or twice but really trying such as finding something in common? Maybe you or they came off with a bad first time impression. I'm not saying be superficial just to blend in and make them like you. Be yourself as always. If it doesn't work out after several tries, then it wasn't meant to be.

    It's obvious she wants both you and her friends in her life. If you want this to relationship to work and not have her torn between the two, you must pitch in on this too.
  16. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    Ok I agree with everyone that your way of describing your girlfriend is pretty harsh...
    What you need to do is understand that these are her friends from a long time... and whilst she has you and stuff...what will she do when you're not there?
    To her, she might have those moments with those people that they are nice and truely friends to her...

    But on the other really should stick up for your girlfriend because she is being "bullied"! Don't you think as her boyfriend you should stick up for her and tell them that they are being a bunch of pricks for making her cry?

    You can't just blame it all on your girlfriend...some people are just more sensitive or choose to avoid conflict because they can't deal with confrontations, if thats the case, shouldnt you be there to support her rather than diss her yourself? Doesnt that make you similar to her so called friends too?

    And LOL at master_g...Epping Forest you know! That's harsh!
  17. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    enlighten me what Epping Forest means then??
    THe place exist in Essex so I'm kinda intrigued now hahaha
  18. ^ gangster stuff :whistling:
  19. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    you don't wanna know what goes on in Epping Forest...
    some crazy things man...
  20. What happens in Epping forest... stays in Epping forest :shifty: