Built this from scratch in backyard... I had to dig and dig and dig, but I had some help from my friends for that. They blame me for my crazy ideas. =) It's been about 4-5 yrs now.
surprisingly... nope. I have fishes that eat mosquito larvae and I rarely seen any around. I have seen mosquito larvae in water buckets though. I have frogs there.. maybe they eat the mosquitoes? =) The pond is about 20' by 8' and 3' deep on one side and slopes down from 1.5' near the waterfall.
thanx ah_wong, i would like to build a better pond one day... i've learned a lot building this one. i have some kois and goldfish... turtles and frogs, 2 albino catfish... that i see once in a blue moon. but enough to know they are still alive. also have some small fishes that i've caught at some lake... they are there to eat the bugs. =) actually, my first intention was to fish in this pond... and this pond was suppose to be at least 10 feet longer and maybe 5 feet wider but the liner that they sold weren't that wide and it was expensive so i made it shorter. i llike going fishing though, do u fish?
Awe...thats so cute...an d ur a guy? most guyz dunt even bother....lol if someone built that for me...i think it would be a swamp instead of a pond...
I live in SF, CA. It doesn't freeze over. I wish it would, could use some snow here for once. -.- My pond is cute??? haha y thank you. What does being a guy have to do with it? I don't think girls would bother getting their hands dirty... or even break a sweat. =P It doesn't stink... the thing floating on top is a plant similar to duckweed but it's red, I think it's called... no idea but I googled and found red-coloured fern azolla (Azolla pinnata and A. filiculoides)