After sweeping Asian television awards last year, Best Supporting Actress, Nancy Wu (胡定欣) has been taking a well-deserved break from filming dramas. The actress, who has no plans to film for new drama in the coming weeks, has turned down filming offers to focus on making easy money through making public appearances at promotional functions and events. Yesterday, Nancy attended a Lunar New Year holiday event in Tseung Kwan O. Nancy revealed that she has plans to bring her advertising executive boyfriend, Patt Shum (沈栢淳), to visit her grandmother during the Lunar New Year holidays. Asked if her grandmother had rushed her to marry her boyfriend of six months, Nancy said, “No! We’ll see what happens. My grandmother has met him once before, but she did not have much of an opinion of him. She told me that everything will be great as long as we’re happy. Nancy, however, admitted to the press that she already views Patt as her prospective marriage partner. Asked if she has plans to marry Patt soon, Nancy responded, “When we date, we all hope to see the relationship blossom and bear fruit. We do talk about marriage, especially at our age, but it all boils down to fate.” Maybe a flash marriage? Nancy laughed, “I can’t answer that now, but if that is to happen, it will.” Creds: Oriental Daily