i'm pretty much getting bored by their powers, Naruto always just use Kage bushin rite now. And also, i don't think the current storyline appears in the manga?? idk, i forgot which chapter did i read from.
They're doing fillers atm, they're somewhat close to the manga now. Just read the manga, it is way better. No filler, ever.
lol i do both....i read the manga and watch the anime ^^ and i only started liking naruto when they started the Shippuuden Series =]
Lol i quit the anime ever since Naruto used 4-tailed =P Yeah.. read the manga. Its awesome! Go Naruto!
Man why is there sooo many filler, cant it just go back on track with sassuke. the last few ep have really been pointless. getting really side tracked from the plot
the anime has to do fillers to let the manga get furthur away..... the anime isn't that bad but of course im hooked on reading the manga...
Yea, the anime filters are very predictable, it seems that naruto can only use the same moves. Atleast these shippuuden filters last longer then the naruto filters. Unlike those naruto filters....>___< Read the manga
forget about anime ..... move to manga ... the naruto fillers is becoming disappointing .... i used to watch the anime only but now .. i'm move to the manga only .....
i think the 'powers' depicted in the manga is kinda milking the whole anime. but i like all the stuff about the back-story and stuff =)
i stopped when they had the fillers and only continued watching when the fillers end. The drawings during the fillers was really horrible. Well at least its getting on track now.