Credit: Posted by: mv_288 @ Natalie Tong Had Eating Disorder Yesterday a 14 year old model in Brazil died due to anorexia. At the time of death, she only weighed 38 kg. Many actresses and models expressed pity at her death, as being thin does not equate with beauty. The most important thing is being healthy. Natalie Tong openly admits that she had suffered from an eating disorder, although it was not too severe. "In the past, there were times when I did not want to eat." "I was very depressed. Luckily my friends cheered me up and I resumed eating. I am trying my best to gain more weight. My goal is to increase my present weight of 90+ pounds to 105 pounds!" Rain Li also acknowledged that popular culture emphasizes being thin. Rain laughed, "It's difficult to revert back to the days of Yang Kwai Fei [where corpulence was considered beautiful]. The most important thing is not to diet extremely." Kathy Chow Man Kei also noted that competition is extremely fierce in the modelling world, but she will not attempt to be overly thin. --------------------
i saw her once in mongkok and god she is really thin...but she's cute and little more meat would make her nicer
There seems to be a lot of pressure to be thin, I've seen the clothes in Hong Kong and they are tiny.
That's so true, and in a culture where ppl are already quite thin, it must be hard not to want to be thinner.
wow, she really is too thin. 5'5 and weighing less than 95 lbs? watching her series i really would not have thought that she weighed so little. i guess the camera really does add on a couple of lbs.
i know -__- who wants to see boney people? o__O;; it's really disgusting though. i watched this show where they actually had anorexic people on it.. and they were so boney . >< and they still think they're fat.