NBA 2K12

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by khaotic, Dec 3, 2011.

  1. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Holy. I bought this game and I find it so different from 2k11. I could drive the lane with ease in 2K11, but I find it extremely difficult in 2k12. It's also harder to pass inside. None of this is criticism though, I enjoy the changes to attempt to simulate a real game. However the fact that every CPU player pump fakes like freakin Hakeem gets kind of annoying. There are definitely some player moves controlled by CPU that wouldn't really happen in real life.

    Anyone else got the game?
  2. tomatoman

    tomatoman Well-Known Member

    Like u said, very different from nba 2k11. Hard to drive to the rim. (I even tried to modify the slider and decrease the ai's on ball defence but was still freaking hard). Post move feels easier to execute. Manual Playcalling is terrible, not on the execution of the play mind you. Its more like the selection and the layout is terrible. Used to be able to assign 4 plays per players. Dun understand why they want to completely revamp how the playbook works. Fast breaking is also very hard now, AI gets back to defence in unreal speed. Hard to do much fastbreak dunks or layup. In fact, its a bit unrealistic how everytime on a fast break, the ai is able to block most of the layup by simply jumping be4hand.
  3. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Post moves are a lot better in 2k12. You don't have to find "tricks" to have an effective post game like you did you in 2k11. You have a arsenal of moves at your disposal, which used in the right combination is devastating. Fast breaks do seem to be harder to pull off, but I learned not to get too ahead of myself, for example making more than 1 pass to get to the rim is a lot more effective. Compared to 2k11 where you could just chuck the ball up and it would reach the player sprinting.
  4. tomatoman

    tomatoman Well-Known Member

    Still waiting for the patch to unlock the rookies. Could be anytime now since the lockout is over. The so called freestyle dribbling not really effective when used on 1v1 to get past AI players. And yeah, the ai pump fakes too often for my liking. But once u got used to it, it is actually easier to time block shots since u knew he is definitely gonna pump.