Need help answering application form question

Discussion in 'School Work Help' started by KitYing, Sep 5, 2008.

  1. KitYing

    KitYing Well-Known Member

    I'm filling out this form for a club from school. and one question asks if i've ever been involved in volunteer work.
    so what if my answer is no? how do i answer a better way?
  2. BigM

    BigM Well-Known Member

    You would have to be honest and truthful about yourself.

    A positive way would be that you have not been involved in volunteer work, but you would do have a genuine interest in helping other people or Something like you do regret not taking up volunteer work but would be very interested in doing so at the next available opportunity?

    BTW, what kind of club is it? If its not "that" important, you could just say No.
  3. KitYing

    KitYing Well-Known Member

    ic,,thanks so much,,hehe, i feel so much better with your answer.
    umm, i guess it's not THAT important, but i'd like to be accepted anyways.