Need help (Mobile)

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by Akira-, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. Akira-

    Akira- Well-Known Member

    Hello, Im going to buy a Mobile to someone who is older about 51 years old .. So I wanted to ask a little bit of help here :p

    The Phone isnt going to be any Music or Camera phone just a simple..It's actually just going to be needed to call people.

    Im looking for a SIMPLE SIMPLE mobile

    Everything the mobile needs is :

    Camera (I know every mobile has)
    Not too big
    The less weigh the better
    Can survive If I drop it on the ground a few times (By mistakes of course)
    *GOOD LOOKING* (The most important part hehe)

    GPS (Not really needed but fun if got it in the phone just for fun hehe not something that is important so skip it)

    Budget:450 to 480 USD
  2. BestOffer

    BestOffer Well-Known Member

    no point in getting complex functions, just get something like SE S500 or something, they are like about $250?
  3. Akira-

    Akira- Well-Known Member

    Thanks for answering. Hmm this phone gets broken pretty easily so I dont think I should get it all it has is the look. It could be the phone I was looking for but it gets broken easily so dont think I want such phone haha :p.

    It's a bit old too may consider a more new one.