Hi, Sorry to post it in this section because i don't know where to post it, since this is in the download secton so i decided to create a thread here. Anyway, i have some series that have two language and i wanted to put the videos on dvd in order to watch in tv but the problem is that i don't know how to set the playback as one language i.e it's in mandarin and canto and i wanted it to play only in cantonese. I also tried to play it on window media player to set the language but it doesn't work. I actually want to change the video's audio as one. Does anyone know how to set the language as one?
i'm not sure how to seperate the audio though i know how to watch it on the comp and hear the audio cos there is a different language on each side of the speaker so to watch it on the comp with ur preferred audio, u go to the sound settings and just toggle it to the side u want to hear the language in.
I think you just disconnect one of the audio cables on the back of the DVD player-Not sure which one, but the one you disconnect should be the speaker which is producing the mandarin.. Alternatively, there is a long way of converting the audio files by taking it into audacity, splitting the 2 languages, then reinserting the sound files back into the movie.
1)use winavi too convert too dvd -added step if tmpgenc cant read the dvd ,just use dvdshrink and creat a dvd there 2)use TMPGEnc DVD Author 1.6 (is what i use or use the latest release) 3)open dvd with tmpgenc and on the option bilingual (2channel ) 4)open dvdshrink n play the dvd now u can choose too keep both or just one 5)if you do it one by one u can separate the episodes n put them together with dvdshrink -if sound is out of place , just convert with tmpgenc one by one and use dvdshrink too put them back together agian -i just did police station #7 with dual , on dvd canto only if u need the progz or cant find them just pm n ill up it for u -yea its annoying but thats the price with dual language AND CHECK TOO MAKE SURE AUDIO IS IN SINK, I HAD ALOT OF CASES WITH DUAL WHEN CONVERTED TOO DV SOUND IS OFF SO CHECK WITH DVDSHRINK BEFORE BURN! if thats the case its winavi so u just have too reconvert it , example 1-7 episode 3 sound is off , so what u do is reconvert using winavi choose 1-7 ( now put episode 3 on top and remember where u saved it, then as you r converting open the file that u saved it and u gonna see vob1 vob2 bla bla , but u only u want episode3 ,but u put episode 3 on top too convert first....so once u see the converter jump too the next episode click cancel n let it finsh.then open dvdshrink and redo the steps above too put the episode back in....which fixed my issue with the sound if u see a better way then this use that one -j