Need some help with videos with dual audios

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by cyndy123, Jun 30, 2008.

  1. cyndy123

    cyndy123 Well-Known Member

    Hi, Sorry to post it in this section because i don't know where to post it, since this is in the download secton so i decided to create a thread here. Anyway, i have some series that have two language and i wanted to put the videos on dvd in order to watch in tv but the problem is that i don't know how to set the playback as one language i.e it's in mandarin and canto and i wanted it to play only in cantonese. I also tried to play it on window media player to set the language but it doesn't work. I actually want to change the video's audio as one. Does anyone know how to set the language as one?
  2. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    i'm not sure how to seperate the audio though i know how to watch it on the comp and hear the audio cos there is a different language on each side of the speaker so to watch it on the comp with ur preferred audio, u go to the sound settings and just toggle it to the side u want to hear the language in.
  3. BigM

    BigM Well-Known Member

    I think you just disconnect one of the audio cables on the back of the DVD player-Not sure which one, but the one you disconnect should be the speaker which is producing the mandarin..

    Alternatively, there is a long way of converting the audio files by taking it into audacity, splitting the 2 languages, then reinserting the sound files back into the movie.
  4. ma123456

    ma123456 Active Member

    1)use winavi too convert too dvd
    -added step if tmpgenc cant read the dvd ,just use dvdshrink and creat a dvd there
    2)use TMPGEnc DVD Author 1.6 (is what i use or use the latest release)
    3)open dvd with tmpgenc and on the option bilingual (2channel )
    4)open dvdshrink n play the dvd now u can choose too keep both or just one
    5)if you do it one by one u can separate the episodes n put them together with dvdshrink

    -if sound is out of place , just convert with tmpgenc one by one and use dvdshrink too put them back together agian
    -i just did police station #7 with dual , on dvd canto only
    if u need the progz or cant find them just pm n ill up it for u :p
    -yea its annoying but thats the price with dual language

    AND CHECK TOO MAKE SURE AUDIO IS IN SINK, I HAD ALOT OF CASES WITH DUAL WHEN CONVERTED TOO DV SOUND IS OFF SO CHECK WITH DVDSHRINK BEFORE BURN! if thats the case its winavi so u just have too reconvert it , example 1-7 episode 3 sound is off , so what u do is reconvert using winavi choose 1-7 ( now put episode 3 on top and remember where u saved it, then as you r converting open the file that u saved it and u gonna see vob1 vob2 bla bla , but u only u want episode3 ,but u put episode 3 on top too convert once u see the converter jump too the next episode click cancel n let it finsh.then open dvdshrink and redo the steps above too put the episode back in....which fixed my issue with the sound

    if u see a better way then this use that one
    #4 ma123456, Jun 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2008