New Tech Help

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by negiqboyz, Nov 21, 2011.

  1. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I am want to buy a new modem, laptop, and cell phone. I don't know what's out there since I haven't been keeping track.

    Question - Should I get a MAC and iphone??
  2. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    What are you looking for in a laptop? Or phone?
  3. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    ^His looking for a new modem, a new laptop, and a new cell phone.

    Depending on your need and how much you're willing to pay, you have many choices. $500-$1000 USD can get you a decent Windows laptop with similar or better spec than MacBook Pro/Air. Really depends on what OS you like using and what do you need it for.

    For a cell phone, iPhone 4S is popular. If you like having lots of apps to choose from, go for the iPhone. If you like the ability to customize your phone, go for an Android Phone, most likely Samsung Galaxy S II or Galaxy Nexus or any mid/high end Android phone. Depending if you're on contract or not, phones can cost $0-$800+ USD.
  4. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I might stick with Mac because it's more user friendly. I am still unsure about the phone. I only used iphone and not android so don't know. I have absolutely no clue about modem. I read that some modems don't live up to their advertisement but no clue which is better or more versatile.

    I am setting up another small home office but not for business use .. just home, home.
  5. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    I personally prefer Windows over Mac OS X.. I just like Apple's unibody design for laptops and their build quality is pretty good.

    Phone, you can try out android phones at stores such as the Samsung Galaxy S II. I switched from iPhone 4 to Samsung Galaxy S II (AT&T) and not regretting making the switch. To me, iPhone don't have much customization to it and gets boring. If you're looking to game, then iPhone might be a good choice since they have a wide variety of apps to choose from.
  6. BARF Apple products. The general consensus of "Mac is easier to use" is really garbage. Anything is easy to use if you're proficient. A really stupid reason imo.

    Name your needs.
  7. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    That's true. Personally the only thing I like about Macbooks is the design. I find Mac difficult to use and that's because I am not use to it (which reflects back to Dan's comment).
  8. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    For the record, I don't like the Mac OS. Mac may be considered easier to use because of its idiot-proof design hence no technical problems.
  9. Lol and to add, this "idiot-proof" isn't even something Apple created.

    TL;DR: the idiot proof design comes from UNIX, which is what Mac OS is BUILT ON TOP OF.

    Longer version: Mac OS is built on top of Unix. It's due to Unix's modular design that allows packages (or software) to be installed modularly, such as Yum, or Ubuntu's Apt-get. The reason why uninstalling Mac apps is simple as just drag and drop into the trash is due to one command call to remove. No uninstall blah blah. Mac OS has its own install/uninstall EXACTLY like Windows. Instead of exe, it's called dmg.

    Herp Derp.
  10. wilsonli

    wilsonli Well-Known Member

    I think you should also specify your budget, so we can get a better idea how much do you want to spend.
  11. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Window is cheaper. Cutting the budget - wanna spend limit for the new laptop is $1000 .. don't know about specs yet .. gotta see what's available .. Costco has i7 on sale now .. any good? I like Asus more but can't find anything in Costco. Best Buy?? Still looking.

    As for the phone, I just chk online .. there are two phone for Samsung Galaxy S II .. & SGSII-Skyrocket, dunno the diff now and dun wanna spend too much on smart phone because once I start working again, I have one from com. Just need a phone that can be unlocked to use oversea.

    Modem wise .. which one ya'll recommend?