Nicholas Tse & Cecilia Cheung: Expecting their baby boy in August

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Maverick, May 9, 2007.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Nicholas Tse & Cecilia Cheung: Expecting their baby boy in August

    Soon to-be dad, Nicholas Tse, revealed yesterday (7th May) that his wife is due for deliver in August & will be giving birth in Hong Kong instead of Canada as mentioned before. Will Nicholas's grandmother fly to Hong Kong to visit Cecilia? Nicholas said: "It all depends whether she is fit enough for travel as she's already 90 years old." Cecilia was rumoured to be suffering from depression. Nicholas has dismissed all rumours & said there is no such thing. When asked if Cecilia’s expecting a baby boy, Nicholas exclaimed: "Most probably!"

    Currently, Nicholas is busy filming at the Mainlands. He expressed that he refuse to allow his wife to visit him as he does not wish to get distracted. He'll fly back to Hong Kong when Cecilia's due for deliver.

    Nicholas is feeling anxious & excited about becoming a dad & he has been making all sorts of preparations for the "Big-Day." When asked if he accompanied his wife to prenatal courses, he smiled: "No, I didn't. Not because of embarrassment but because I have to work everyday." He will take a break from work to take care of his family after the birth of his child.

    The question is: "Will Cecilia make a comeback after delivery or become a full-time homemaker?"

    Nicholas replied: "Maybe. It all depends on Cecilia. I doubt she’ll bear to leave our baby alone for the first few months."

    He will leave it to the elders to choose a name for his baby. When asked if he wants more kids, he said: "It all depends on Heaven’s will."

  2. kazzaf

    kazzaf Well-Known Member

    can't wait to see what the baby looks like