Tuesday, March 27, 2007 HongKong Animated movie "TMNT" held its premiere at a drive in cinema earlier and was attended by the Cantonese voice cast members including Niki Chow, Jan Lamb, Chapman To and Sammy Leung, who were joined by the four ninja turtles. Niki commented that there was plenty of privacy in a drive-in theatre, but she would not come with her rumoured boyfriend Kevin Cheng. If they were dating though, then it would a good place to come. Asked about a recent article referring to her as 'Princess Chang Ping' ['always flat'] when it comes to her figure, she laughs that at least she is a princess and she will not consider implants. Talking of TVB leaving her out of the sequel to "The Gentle Crackdown", replacing her role with Yumiko Cheng, she says that the stories are very different and just the crew are the same. She says: "TVB have not dumped me. (Are you too expensive?) I do not get paid much!" Niki also attended a promotional event for the film earlier with Vincent Kok and she spoke about her second venture into movie dubbing. She says that this job only took her a few hours to do. The film will be screened in original English and Cantonese versions and Niki will be voicing the Cantonese version of Kaira, who is played in the original by Zhang Ziyi. Niki is full of admiration for Zhang, saying that when she first saw the original, she thought it was a native English speaker and in comparison, she feels that she is very amateurish. Asked how her fee was, she smiles: "I am happy with it." Niki says she hopes to develop her career in the field of movie dubbing and voiceovers for advertisements, like Sammy and Eric Kot. credits: tvbspace, asianfanatics.
lol it was kinda rude asking her about 'Princess Chang Ping'... she dealt with it aite i reckon... i thought she did alright in 'The Gentle Crackdown'.