Niki Chow to Publish Book

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Maverick, Jul 14, 2007.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Niki Chow to Publish Book


    Niki Chow painted a picture entitled, "Pine Tree." How would you rate her painting?

    Niki Chow Lai Kei was at an event to promote intellectual property rights. Last year at an event, Niki had asked students whether they performed illegal downloads online. She was shocked that many students raised their hands; Niki even burst out that she will notify the police and have them arrested!

    However at yesterday's event, Niki smiled, "Due to last year's incident and to avoid further embarassment, I will not ask whether students illegally download material. Hopefully students will censor their own actions!"

    Niki showcased a painting which she created. The painting was entitled, "Pine Tree." She hopes people will treasure original copies of work, "Since one year has passed, everyone has matured. Piracy has improved in Hong Kong, but only you will know whether you have downloaded pirated material."

    Niki's new book is called "Reflecting on Inner Thoughts" 《細味心事》. When the book is released, she will attend the book signing. The book details Niki's rites of passage during adolesence.

    Niki also illustrated various pictures in the book as well.

    Source: Wenweipo
  2. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    that picture aint bad, wanna see her new film though..
  3. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    book? they sure are all out to make a buck. movie, sings, bookwriter. hhmm ... wonder if the book is a snoozer.
  4. weedpeach

    weedpeach Well-Known Member

    hmm..looks interesting. the picture she painted looks cool. i never knew she could paint
  5. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    That painting looks pretty good.
  6. asiangang

    asiangang Well-Known Member

    that painting is....interesting/...