Just saw the first episode of this series and so far it's about the environment at work and the stuffs that employees have to endure from their bosses. Quite interesting and funny. It should be a good series, I like the cast.
I'm enjoying it so far (more than Bobby series at least). Refreshing cast to see.. not those usual 1st line male & female leads. Another good role for Rucco, which is always nice to see.
were there great expectations for this? anyway i have grown to like Crystal Tin since "only you" series..not the prettiest but she is great for light heart comedy series
haha nice one. It look sor sor on on (from the intro of the series, music sounds silly too). It is actually okay, reminds me of the English movie about how they don't like their bosses.
Actors could only do so much compared to the script in general. -lol I think rather than the actors are boring (which I find it's a refreshing cast), it may seem that the script is boring to you. I'm quite enjoying this series
I like that "nar ying", the one living with Interpal (yun doll pao) and Yuen Sil cherng (can't remember his english name), he is very funny
As of Episode 6, it appears that he will no longer be in the series. What a shame, but he lasted pretty long for a cameo (?).
Ahahaha it's kinda hard to believe that he's not gay & actually have a wife as well! It was a good cameo for him. A big role too!
<b>loved his parts lol hope he he gets more opportunities-emb when he says "faye gor gor" omg..-lol
Do you know if this is his first time in a TVB series? If it is then wow he done a great job! Not sure if a normal role (ie, talking in a 'funny' way) would make him that likeable as it is though =S This guy gives me laughs haha, I always replay the scene when he talks to Louis (I think thats Yuen Sil Cherng's name) [mun mun day] because it's hilarious!