Noah (2014)

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by shinobi, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. [video=youtube;6qmj5mhDwJQ][/video]

    starring Russell Crowe and Emma Watson

    The Biblical Noah suffers visions of an apocalyptic deluge and takes measures to protect his family from the coming flood.
  2. CrazyMoFo

    CrazyMoFo Well-Known Member

    I love FICTION movies so most likely I'll be watching this. No difference than watching Clash of the titans or the likes. Maybe this film will finally help answer some of the questions I have about the Ark story. Like........

    •Everyone was evil? Even newborn babies? The unborn? The deaf/mute? The mentally ill? The sick and afflicted?

    •How did a 600-year-old guy and his family build a football-stadium-sized boat using only trees and pitch?

    •What about specialized diets for the animals? Bamboo for the giant pandas? Eucalyptus for the koalas? Meat for the carnivores? Plants for the herbivores?

    •Where was the food stored? How did it keep from spoiling?

    •How did penguins, polar bears and other arctic animals travel thousands of miles and then survive in the middle east heat?

    •How did eight people over 500 years in age shovel thousands of tons of animal waste out of a 450-foot-long boat with a single window?

    •Why didn't the toxic mix of fresh rainwater and salty seawater kill all of the lake and ocean creatures?

    •Why did Noah have to send a dove to find land when Noah and God were on speaking terms a few verses before?

    •If the ark had no rudder, no motor and no sail, what difference did the dove make? Seeing land would have had no bearing on the ark's final resting place.


    •When the ark landed, with all animal and plant life on earth dead, what did the humans and animals eat?

    •Was incest really part of God's plan for repopulation? And how did we end up with thousands of various ethnic groups in only 4,000 years?

    •Why did the worthy protagonist of this story spend his latter years naked, drunk and in disgrace?

    •Why the elaborate flood? Why not just vaporize the evil humans and skip the flood?

    •If God is truly omniscient and sees all, wouldn't he have seen the corruption of humankind before he ever created the world, avoiding the whole charade by implementing a better plan? Or does he have a blind spot?

    •Why is there no geological evidence (none, nada, zip) for a global flood?
