Tomoko Ninomiya, the creator of the popular musical slice-of-life manga Nodame Cantabile, will be launching a new manga mini-series called Noda-Can BS in the September issue of Kodansha's bimonthly Kiss Plus magazine on August 8. Noda-Kan BS is an abbreviation of "Nodame Cantabile Backstage." The short story in each four-page installment will focus on the supporting characters instead of the protagonists of the main series (the young musicians Nodame and Chiaki). For example, the first installment will focus on the R*S Orchestra member Tomohito Kimura and flutist Moe Suzuki. Ninomiya just returned to the main Nodame Cantabile manga in March after taking time off to have her baby and recover from carpal tunnel syndrome. The Nodame Cantabile: Paris anime sequel aired in Japan from October to December, and another television series has been green-lit for this fall. Two live-action films were later announced for release in 2010. The 22nd volume of the Japanese manga will bundle a original animation DVD in August. Del Rey will publish the 16th of the 21 current volumes of the manga in North America next month. Credits: ANN
I wish she could speed up on the main story rather than spending more time on side-stories. The main story's been stalled long enough.