This is the new Nokia Aeon concept phone. It looks so sexyyyy! There is no word on when Nokia Aeon concept phone will be officially released to the public. -cry2 "The concept phone, dubbed Aeon, combines two touch-sensitive panels mounted on a fuel-cell power pack. The handset's connectivity and electronics are built into the panels to allow them to be used independendently. When assembled, one panel would operate as the display, the other as the keypad. Since the buttons are entirely virtual, Aeon can flip instantly between a numeric pad for dialling, a text-entry pad for messaging, or a media-player controller."
It look good but I am not THAT into the ultra-slim things... It will just end up breaking into two pieces in my bag or something, doesn't look to durable to me. And I hate the NOKIA insignia in the middle...
Great looking concept, but I think it's too thin. The reception mustn't be that good on that thing. My thick 3595 has great reception, but my ultra slim Samsung D830 has really poor reception compared to the 3595, lack of room for a big internal antenna I guess. I still prefer the big bulky Japanese phones that can do everything.
very nice! thats the direction mobile phones should be heading all the phones are starting to look the same nowadays. :(
looks great but so does most concept designs and we all know if the actual product does come out, it will look nothing like the original concept