you know when you comnnect your phone to the comp.....and transfer stuff....well when you've done what do you do?? just close the window?? and then pull the phone out of the comp??--> which is what i do..... but then one of my friends were like thats REALLY REALLY bad for it.... becuase on my comp there's like no eject eject the phone out...ya know like with one of them memory stick thingys... so just wondering if it was just my comp.....or nokia phones itself?? but ive had nokias for a while and whenever im finished transferring stuff i just pull it out.... so does it matter if you dont eject the phone out as such??? what do you guys dooo??? kinda curiuos nows -detect
lol when i had my nokia i would just pull it out, but before you do close the nokia transfer window first, thats like the only way your comp will know that you need it anymore and it should be okay to disconnect your phone
Its recommended to eject any USB devices before removing them, but it isn't required for all devices. Some USB products don't need to be ejected before removing them. If you haven't had any problems with corrupted data, or any other problems than it should be fine. I still recommend ejecting it just to be safe.
hahaha friend made me think i was like runing my phone or something just pulling it out like i do..-^_^ there is no eject on my phone when connected to the comp for some reason....hence why i asked..... NOTE: but why do you have to eject it?? what difference does it make if ya dont eject it???
well if you don't use the "eject" function then there might be data corruption, if you use the data transfer software that came with the nokia then usually you wouldn't have to eject, just pull it cause that's the same with my previous razr, it uses the transfer program so just unplug... but if you use windows explorer to transfer stuff to your phone, like a "removable drive" icon shows up, drag and drop, then it's recommended that you press "eject usb" first but it's just a caution don't really need to worry about it never really corrupted my memory except once on the old ibooks, easy fix though...
for my nokia phone, when you ready to eject it, it actually has a option on the phone to disconnect it from the computer
In your taskbar (bottom right0 there should be this icon and when you scroll of over it it says 'Safely Remove Hardware" Go into that and you can stop the device and unplug it. and like NewAzNSensation there is a risk of corrupted data. For example I transfered music to my ipod once and forgot to eject it and 2 songs were corrupted. Some manufacturers also say that it might harm the actual device internally and then you would have to repair it. But I've never seen that happen yet :\
^ really wow i never knew that....hmm note to self not to just pull out usb thingys then phew so nokia phones all good to go to just pull out then whoo
There's nothing wrong by simply pulling it out as long as you've done transferring. Phone connects to computer in the sense of a card reader with a memory card inside.
not mine lol, my separates the phone memory from the memory card lol, some phone also lets you choose from usb mode or the integrated memory mode just like mp3 players, mtp or msc mode...
Generally you have 2 options. Its either called E/: or F:/ drive. The memory card is usually the one where you see DCIM subfolders and things like that.
Usually you just pull it out...any storage unit won't get damaged. I do that constantly for the past few years...i think people are just paranoid... I never heard of any incident where someone happened to blow their storage unit by pulling it out ... haha Im sure you won't kill your memory storage unit by just pulling it out haha I've used my USB storage 5? years ago lol...its never screwed But hey if yours does die please tell me haha...i'd love to know if anyone has experienced it ...